Alibaba-Gemini-Lab / OpenCheetah

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Regarding the excutable in build/bin folder #29

Open MEAMITBHOWMICK opened 1 year ago

MEAMITBHOWMICK commented 1 year ago

How to execute the compiled codes in the build/bin folder? who is server, who is client and how to put the input

fionser commented 1 year ago

The line in script scripts/

cat pretrained/$2_input_scale12_pred*.inp | build/bin/$2-$1 r=2 k=$FXP_SCALE ell=$SS_BITLEN nt=$NUM_THREADS ip=$SERVER_IP p=$SERVER_PORT 

Read the input file from pretrained/ dir and re-direct to the build/bin executable. That is because we use the EzPC compiler as the frontend which reads inputs from the standard input.