Alibaba-Gemini-Lab / OpenCheetah

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Inquiry about Modifying codes for Cheetah Compatibility #32

Closed tanjina12 closed 1 month ago

tanjina12 commented 10 months ago


I wanted to express my interest in your work and seek your guidance. Recently, I have been experimenting with Cheetah using different sized neural networks. I successfully compiled the model and generated the ‘.cpp file’ using the script provided by Athos. I placed the ‘.cpp’ file in this directory: OpenCheetah/networks. However, I am aware that you manually modified the auto generated ‘.cpp file’, and I’m curious about the specific modifications required to ensure compatibility with Cheetah.

For instance, if I want to compile and run models like ResNet50 using Cheetah as the backend, what are the necessary adjustments I should make? I greatly appreciate your kind assistance in this matter.

Thank you in advance for your time and help.

fionser commented 10 months ago


You can check out the flag #if USE_CHEETAH to see how we mannual modify the auto-generated code. Two main modifications.

For example,

tanjina12 commented 10 months ago

@fionser, Thank you for your answer.