Alibaba-Gemini-Lab / OpenPEGASUS

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重新打包密文模数问题 #14

Open huzhiyuan0215 opened 8 months ago

huzhiyuan0215 commented 8 months ago

在您的论文中说Tunable Output Level: The number of moduli (denoted as L) of the resulting ciphertext from Step 10 depends on the number of moduli used for constructing the repacking key RK. This parameter can be changed to a smaller one as long as it provides enough depths for the Fmod, to tune a best repacking performance for the specific application. For instance, L = 3 might be enough for secure convolution network inference since the polynomial operations (i.e., convolution) between two non-polynomial operations (e.g., activation and pooling) consume only one multiplicative depth. 重新打包密文的模数由重打包密钥决定,重新打包的密钥和CKKS加密方案的密钥有关系吗,可以单独设置吗?还是与CKKS密文相关?在代码中可以自行修改打包密钥吗?