AlibabaResearch / DAMO-ConvAI

DAMO-ConvAI: The official repository which contains the codebase for Alibaba DAMO Conversational AI.
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Is the docker daemon running? #77

Closed 22842219 closed 9 months ago

22842219 commented 9 months ago

root@2aac8cf2ce11:/app/zea# make pre_process mkdir -p -m 777 train mkdir -p -m 777 train_data mkdir -p -m 777 transformers_cache mkdir -p -m 777 wandb chmod 777 data_all_in/ chmod 777 seq2seq/ chmod 777 data_all_in/data/* docker run \ -it \ --rm \ --gpus all\ --user 13011:13011 \ --mount type=bind,source=/app/zea/train,target=/train \ --mount type=bind,source=/app/zea/train_data,target=/train_data \ --mount type=bind,source=/app/zea/transformers_cache,target=/transformers_cache \ --mount type=bind,source=/app/zea/configs,target=/app/configs \ --mount type=bind,source=/app/zea/configs/train.json,target=/app/configs/train.json \ --mount type=bind,source=/app/zea/seq2seq,target=/app/seq2seq \ --mount type=bind,source=/app/zea/data_all_in,target=/app/data_all_in \ --mount type=bind,source=/app/zea/wandb,target=/app/wandb \ eyuansu62/graphix-text-to-sql:v2 \ /bin/bash -c "sh ./data_all_in/run/" docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?. See 'docker run --help'. Makefile:37: recipe for target 'pre_process' failed make: *** [pre_process] Error 125

22842219 commented 9 months ago

Dear people@graphixt5,

I am trying to get the preprocess spider data via your instruction 'make pre_process', and got the error listed aforementioned. Could you advise me the easiest way to get the pre-procesed data please? I would like to have the data including readable graph triplets, not the graph node index. Many thanks.

22842219 commented 9 months ago

Hey, sorry, please ignore my issue. I managed it. thanks.