AlibabaResearch / efficientteacher

A Supervised and Semi-Supervised Object Detection Library for YOLO Series
GNU General Public License v3.0
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请问Single-class training中的NMS threshold during pseudo label generation如何调节呢? #123

Open Wangxi404 opened 8 months ago

Wangxi404 commented 8 months ago

感谢优秀的工作和开源的代码🙏 目前希望把efficient teacher用来解决一个single-class detection的问题,看到在readme中提到的For example, if you are conducting single-class detection, then we suggest that the NMS threshold during pseudo label generation be reduced as much as possible。请问这个 NMS threshold during pseudo label generation是哪一个hyper parameters呢?如果不是hyper parameters,请问要怎么调节呢? 谢谢🙏

Wangxi404 commented 8 months ago

除此之外,我还想请问为什么要更改这个NMS threshold呢?因为就算对于single class object detection,如果图片中有很多的instance,仍然需要大量的pseudo label。谢谢