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[efcore] efcore knowledge list #7

Open Alice52 opened 4 years ago

Alice52 commented 4 years ago

folder strcut

│  xxx.DataAccess.csproj
│      IReadDbFacade.cs
│      IRepository.cs
│      ReadDbFacade.cs
│      Repository.cs
│      xxDbContext.cs
│      xxxContextFactory.cs
│      xxxContextScope.cs
│      xxxContextScopeFactory.cs
│      xxxPartialDbContext.cs
│  └─InitData
│          xx.sql
│      20200312025749_xxx.cs
│      20200312025749_xxx.Designer.cs
│      20200312025749_xxx.sql
│      xxDbContextModelSnapshot.cs
│  │  xxxModel.cs
│  │
│  └─Configurations
│          xxxModelConfiguration.cs

code first

usage mode

  1. repository

  2. readDbFacade

  3. repostory sample

// repository definition
public class Repository<TAggregateRoot> : IRepository<TAggregateRoot> where TAggregateRoot : class
    protected readonly IAmbientDbContextLocator _dbContextLocator;
    public Repository(IAmbientDbContextLocator dbContextLocator)
        if (dbContextLocator == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbContextLocator) + " is null");

        _dbContextLocator = dbContextLocator;
    protected DbSet<TAggregateRoot> Set => TableOperationDbContext.Set<TAggregateRoot>();
    protected TableOperationDbContext TableOperationDbContext
            var TableOperationDbContext = _dbContextLocator.Get<TableOperationDbContext>();
            if (TableOperationDbContext == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            return TableOperationDbContext;
    public virtual void Save()
    public bool DoesExist(Expression<Func<TAggregateRoot, bool>> matchingCriteria)
        return Set.Any(matchingCriteria);
    public virtual TAggregateRoot GetById(long id)
        return Set.Find(id);
    public void BulkInsert(IEnumerable<TAggregateRoot> aggregateRoots)
    public void Insert(TAggregateRoot entity)
    public void InsertAndSave(TAggregateRoot aggregateRoot)
    public virtual void Delete(long id)
        var entityToDelete = Set.Find(id);
    public void Delete(TAggregateRoot aggregateRoot)
    public void BulkDelete(IEnumerable<TAggregateRoot> aggregateRoots)
    public IList<TAggregateRoot> GetAll()
        return Set.ToList();
    public void Update(TAggregateRoot aggregateRoot)

# usage repository
public class xxRepository : Repository<xx>, IxxRepository
    public xxRepository(IAmbientDbContextLocator dbContextLocator) : base(dbContextLocator)
    public RatingMapping GetByxx(string xx)
        return Set.Where(x => x.xx.Equals(xx)).FirstOrDefault();

using (var dbScope = _dbContextScopeFactory.CreateWithTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted))
    // logic
  1. readfacade sample
// read facade definition
public class ReadDbFacade : IReadDbFacade, IDisposable
    private readonly xxDbContext _readTableDbContext;
    public ReadDbFacade(xxnDbContext readDbContext)
        _readTableDbContext = readDbContext;
    public IQueryable<xxx> xxxs =>;
    public void Dispose()

// usage of read faxade
var xx = _readDbFacade.xxxs
    .Where(p => p.xx == xxx)

primary key

- if the key is 36 bit nvarch, efcore will auto fillin NEWID() to it and we should do nothing
- can config default value of columns in xxConfigrations, which is modelbuild file 


  1. update:

    • using repository mode, can not use update, and use dbScope.SaveChanges()
    • if use update(), it will update all column
    • else it will update changed column


  1. use Transient services.AddTransient<ITableService, TableService>(); to inspect in startup

  2. use 1 and async

    • await dbScope.SaveChangesAsync();
    • dbScope.SaveChangesAsync().Result;
    • dbScope.SaveChangesAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();