explain update all_star_judgement jud, all_star_position_sign_up psu
set jud.store_id = psu.store_id, jud.position_id = psu.position_id
where jud.sign_up_id = psu.id and psu.id <= 50000
UPDATE table_1 t1
SET foo = 'new_value'
FROM table_2 t2
JOIN table_3 t3 ON t3.id = t2.t3_id
t2.id = t1.t2_id
AND t3.bar = True;
update order
set order_status=
case user_id when 'jack' then ‘待收货’
when ‘tom’ then '已收货'
where user_id in ('jack','tom')
in 的 update 尽量优化成 join 做
update dbo.MCD_WeiXin_TagMemberInfo set Flag=3
where TagId=@bill_tagId and UserAccount not in (
select EmployeeNo from MCD_WeiXin_MCOrgAndUserSyncInfo
where PersonType in ('雇员','雇员.非申请人','雇员.申请人')
and JobFamily = 'Staff' and EMPLOYER=@bill_tagname )
WITH latest_store as (
sj.id, am.store_id
FROM smt_judgement sj
LEFT JOIN account_member am on am.id = sj.member_id
LEFT JOIN mcd_store ms on ms.id = am.store_id
WHERE sj.is_deleted=0 AND sj.store_id != am.store_id
AND am.is_deleted=0 AND am.is_active=1
AND ms.is_deleted=0 AND ms.store_ops_status='A'
UPDATE smt_judgement sj, latest_store latest
SET sj.store_id=latest.store_id
WHERE sj.id=latest.id
级联更新数据: 保证冗余数据的一致
in 的 update 尽量优化成 join 做