Alice52 / go-tutorial

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fix(deps): update module to v1.6.5 #45

Open renovate[bot] opened 1 month ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 month ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence v1.6.1 -> v1.6.5 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

zeromicro/go-zero ( ### [`v1.6.5`]( [Compare Source]( #### What's Changed - feat: support context in breaker methods by [@​kevwan]( in []( - feat: use breaker with ctx to prevent deadline exceeded by [@​kevwan]( in []( - feat: add errorx.In to facility error checking by [@​kevwan]( in []( - feat: add fx.ParallelErr by [@​kevwan]( in []( - feat: trigger breaker on underlying service timeout by [@​kevwan]( in []( - feat: httpx.Parse supports parsing structures that implement the Unmarshaler interface by [@​lyuangg]( in []( - optimize: improve breaker algorithm on recovery time by [@​kevwan]( in []( - optimize: add tracing information to the log by [@​chenquan]( in []( - fix: timeout on query should return context.DeadlineExceeded by [@​kevwan]( in []( - fix: fix ignored scanner.Err() by [@​kevwan]( in []( - fix: fix ignored context.DeadlineExceeded by [@​kevwan]( in []( - fix: avoid duplicate in logx plain mode by [@​kevwan]( in []( - fix: zrpc kube resolver builder after gRPC resolver behavior changes by [@​soasurs]( in []( - fix: log panic on Error() or String() panics with logx.Field by [@​kevwan]( in []( #### New Contributors - [@​suyhuai]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​lyuangg]( made their first contribution in []( **Full Changelog**: ### [`v1.6.4`]( [Compare Source]( #### What's Changed - feat: support http stream response by [@​kevwan]( in []( - feat: add custom health response information by [@​fearlessfei]( in []( - fix: didn't count failure in allow method with breaker algorithm by [@​kevwan]( in []( - fix: only add log middleware to not found handler when enabled by [@​AlexLast]( in []( - fix: mysql WithAcceptable bug by [@​MarkJoyMa]( in []( - fix: StopAgent panics when trace agent disabled by [@​ansoda]( in []( - optimize: change err == xx to errors.Is(err, xx) by [@​mongobaba]( in []( - optimize: migrate redis breaker into hook by [@​MarkJoyMa]( in []( - optimize: Optimize the error log to be more specific by [@​patche-v]( in []( #### New Contributors - [@​ansoda]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​patche-v]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​shyandsy]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​ak5w]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​linden-in-China]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​wjiec]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​jaronnie]( made their first contribution in []( **Full Changelog**: ### [`v1.6.3`]( [Compare Source]( #### What's Changed - feat: support `SSE`, ignore timeout on server-sent events by [@​chenquan]( in []( - feat: support `ScheduleImmediately` in TaskRunner by [@​kevwan]( in []( - feat: add StableRunner to get messages in pushing order by [@​kevwan]( in []( - feat: support breaker with sql prepared statements by [@​kevwan]( in []( - feat: add break metrics for sqlx.statement by [@​mongobaba]( in []( - feat: support linux distributions without cgroup by [@​AlexLast]( in []( - feat: make `BatchError` thread safe by [@​ch3nnn]( in []( - feat: add `ZADDNX` command in redis by [@​Suyghur]( in []( - feat: add `MSET` command in redis by [@​codeErrorSleep]( in []( - feat: retry with ignoring specified errors by [@​fearlessfei]( in []( - feat: add a mongodb registry option to convert type easier. by [@​POABOB]( in []( - fix: mapping `FillDefault` with fields mutable optional bug by [@​MarkJoyMa]( in []( - optimize: improve load shedding algorithm performance by [@​kevwan]( in []( - optimize: optimize circuit breaker algorithm by [@​kevwan]( in []( - optimize: improve performance when log disabled by [@​kevwan]( in []( #### New Contributors - [@​fffreedom]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​mongobaba]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​ch3nnn]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​fearlessfei]( made their first contribution in []( **Full Changelog**: ### [`v1.6.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### What's Changed - feat: upgrade go-redis to v9 by [@​kevwan]( in []( - optimize: make cpu usage more smooth by [@​kevwan]( in []( - fix: cpu stat in cgroup v2 by [@​kevwan]( in []( - fix: negative float32 overflow when unmarshalling by [@​Kimjin-gd]( in []( - fix: call fillSliceValue panic if the value is nil by [@​wuqinqiang]( in []( - fix: issue 3840 by [@​kevwan]( in []( - fix: issue [#​3840]( by [@​kevwan]( in []( - fix: revert sqlx metric namespace by [@​MarkJoyMa]( in []( #### New Contributors - [@​Kimjin-gd]( made their first contribution in []( **Full Changelog**:


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.