Alice52 / spring-5.2.x

spring source code
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[ioc] get componet from spring, such as ioc #37

Closed Alice52 closed 3 years ago

Alice52 commented 4 years ago

get ioc container

  1. configuration

    public class IocContainer implements ApplicationContextAware {
       private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
       public ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
           return this.applicationContext;
       public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
           this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
       public Person person() {
           return new Person();
  2. junit test

    public class IocContainerTest {
       private ApplicationContext applicationContext = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(IocContainer.class);
       public void testGetIocContainer() {
           IocContainer contextBean = applicationContext.getBean(IocContainer.class);
           ApplicationContext applicationContext = contextBean.getApplicationContext();
           Person person0 = applicationContext.getBean(Person.class);
           Person person = applicationContext.getBean(Person.class);
           Assert.isTrue(person0 == person);
           Assert.isFalse(applicationContext == contextBean);

xxAware: 获取 spring 底层的组件, 只需要自定义的组件实现 xxAware 接口

  1. ioc container: ApplicationContextAware
  2. bean factory: BeanFactoryAware
  3. ApplicationEventPublisherAware
  4. ServletContextAware
  5. MessageSourceAware
  6. ResourceLoaderAware
  7. NotificationPublisherAware
  8. EnvironmentAware
  9. EmbeddedValueResolverAware
  10. ImportAware
  11. ServletConfigAware
  12. LoadTimeWeaverAware
  13. BeanNameAware
  14. BeanClassLoaderAware


Alice52 commented 4 years ago

inject to ioc[methods to inject]

  1. @Component/@Controller + @ComponentScan

    • 如果 @ComponentScan 使用自定义的方式或者指定包含某些类时[ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, REGEX, CUSTOM], 没有 @Component/@Controller 也可以成功注入 IOC
    • ANNOTATION 必须使用 @Component/@Controller 才能成功注入 IOC
  2. @Bean 将第三方包中的组件归置到 IOC 管理

  3. @Import

    • @Import
    • ImportSelector
    • ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar
    • Spring FactoryBean: & 表示获取FactoryBean 本身; 否则会获取 FactoryBean 的 getObject 产生的对象