Alienmario / ModelChooser

A better model chooser
9 stars 1 forks source link

Server crash after map change BMS windows #2

Closed yurakone closed 2 years ago

yurakone commented 2 years ago

1/ - player: UTIL_SetModel: not precached: models\player\mp_scientist_hev.mdl

Listing 4 plugins:
  [01] SourceMod ( by AlliedModders LLC
  [02] SDK Tools ( by AlliedModders LLC
  [03] DHooks ( by AlliedModders LLC
  [04] SDK Hooks ( by AlliedModders LLC

HL2DM with same configuration works well

yurakone commented 2 years ago

Built-in models are not precached, but plugin works well if use only custom downloadable models

Alienmario commented 2 years ago

That's weird, I ran this without issue in BM. I'll test it later. Are you running a typical DM server?

yurakone commented 2 years ago

Yes, SteamCmd Black Mesa Dedicated Server, tested on two different servers, same problem. UPD. No matter which model, custom models cause error also, after map change 1/ - player: UTIL_SetModel: not precached: models\memes\dr_m_freeman.mdl

Alienmario commented 2 years ago

Couldn't replicate it. It seems they precache fine for me.

yurakone commented 2 years ago

Couldn't replicate it. It seems they precache fine for me. Idk, maybe because windows, as far as I understand windows isn't best srcds platform

Alienmario commented 2 years ago

I'm on windows as well. I see you have SourceTV enabled, can you try without it?

yurakone commented 2 years ago

Yes, seems the source tv incompatible with the plugin in the BMS. It is possible to make work it together? HL2DM works perfectly. btw thanks, great plugin!

Alienmario commented 2 years ago

Yes but you will have to compile it yourself as I don't use 1.10 anymore.