Alignak-monitoring-contrib / alignak-module-ws

Alignak module for Web Services
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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set_signal_handler2 exits always #111

Closed rednach closed 6 years ago

rednach commented 6 years ago

exit(12) at kills the module, so modulesmanager is trying to restart it forever...

mohierf commented 6 years ago

WTF ... sorry for this! I will fix rapidly !

mohierf commented 6 years ago

Indeed, I added this function to make some tests about killing modules. This function is not, anyway, useful because it exists in the Alignak BaseModule class which is inherited by the module ... but it looks like if it is never called. The problem you found shows that it is called ! 😞

rednach commented 6 years ago

I am an expert in this kind of ... errors. Thank you for your rapid response!

mohierf commented 6 years ago

Indeed, I added this function to make some tests for Alignak killing the modules. This function is not, anyway, useful because it exists in the Alignak BaseModule class which is inherited by the module ... but it looks like if it is never called. The problem you found shows that it is called ! 😞

mohierf commented 6 years ago

I removed the signals management from the module to use the fucntions of the base class. This modification arose a small problem with the unit tests and I also fixed this. Travis tests in progress...