Alina-Samokhina / MasterThesis

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[Question] What kind of sequences does your `return_sequence` option support? #1

Open jeongwhanchoi opened 3 years ago

jeongwhanchoi commented 3 years ago

I found your repo via Kidger's NeuralCDE repo. I wonder how your seq2seq works with CDE.

I would like to know which kind of sequence like below does your return_sequence supports? (e.g. many-to-one or many-to-many sequence)

Alina-Samokhina commented 3 years ago

with return_sequence = False we're doing many-to-one, e.g. we have EEG sequence and we want to understand whether it contains some potential or not. with return_sequence = True we're doing many-to-many classification, e.g. we have EEG sequence and we want to understand type of position at each point of time.

Or do you want shape examples?:)

Actually, it was inspired by NNs from this repo, maybe it will help more.