AlisonLanski / IPEDSuploadables

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Completions Prep script: new use case triggering error message #94

Closed AlisonLanski closed 1 year ago

AlisonLanski commented 2 years ago

Completions prep script processing

Cips ending in 0000 are failing to be recognized as valid

CIPS ending in 0000 are triggering an error message instead of being correctly processed Cip codes are not in an accepted format. Review setup requirements for completions

This message is triggered in the prep script by code that looks for a period (after a period is added, if missing, from a 6-digit input) Somehow the read-in of a 6-digit cip ending in 0000 is failing to be handled correctly by the prep script. The script will need to be able to add 0000 in situations where R cuts them off and/or the period.

Issue found and reported by Taylor University (thanks, Edwin!)

AlisonLanski commented 1 year ago

Scripts are updated