AlisonLanski / IPEDSuploadables

Producing uploadable txt files for IPEDS reporting, one submission at a time
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Update $ notation to match tidyselect 1.2.0 if we're going to require it #99

Closed AlisonLanski closed 10 months ago

AlisonLanski commented 1 year ago

Running tests and code for almost all scripts results in error messages like the following

Use of .data in tidyselect expressions was deprecated in tidyselect 1.2.0.i Please use `"AWARD"` instead of `.data$AWARD`

Should check to see when 1.2.0.i was released, if we want to require that for the package, and make global updates here if so

AlisonLanski commented 10 months ago

This change only needs to be made in tidyselect items, which are things like select and pivot_longer -- and is a format that is supported by earlier package versions, so it's a "safe" change to make within the package that will not cause errors for users.

Worth an update to get rid of all those terrible warning messages in testing and CHECK

AlisonLanski commented 10 months ago

Why is this a necessary update? See "terrible warning messages" in comment above :)