AlistairSymonds / SympleAstroFocus

A symple AF DIY way to control a stepper motor from a PC for astronomy
MIT License
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USB Protocol Queries #2

Open ozonejunkieau opened 2 years ago

ozonejunkieau commented 2 years ago

This project looks great, I'm really keen to try it out. I want to put together a Python interface that enables a few more features than ASCOM directly supports, and have a few comments/questions about the HID protocol:

Looking forward to having a play with one of these.

AlistairSymonds commented 2 years ago

A lot of the weird toggle/write enable command bits are a hold over from how I originally did the USB data - I figured I could send everything all the time at once and never have to worry about any selective reading/writing and the host would have all the data all the time.

Alas this became more and more of a pain in terms of keeping stuff in sync when wanting to modify one field and not others. Eg setting the current position to zero manually would then result in a move to the existing set position. So lots of the toggle/set command bits are a hold over from that.

Here's an older version of what I started with:

The GUID is a 96bit stm32 specific id each chip has - similar to the other info in those top addresses I just figured it's best to have more info rather than less :)

For maintaining an actual version I was planning have basically a git commit -> release version LUT, but haven't implemented that yet so there may be issues with the plan.

The current ascom driver I think is pretty readable in terms of an MVP baseline.

(and thanks for the pointer about hex vs decimal, they're decimal in this case - bites in the ass all the time at work too, the vid and pid were chosen arbitrarily, since I don't think I'll be stumping up the 5k for USB certification anytime soon these seem like as good as any other free ids?)

AlistairSymonds commented 2 years ago

And regarding INDI/linux I've started putting something together under:

It's obviously very barebones and needs to be run as sudo or have your udev rules updates on linux, but it will make a little short program that will connect over USB on both linux and windows. I'm going to get this figured out as a cross platform core then have the INDI driver and rewrite the ASCOM driver to use it to handle the USB connection etc.

Commands to build it for now, you'll need to copy the generated .so or .dlls to the same folder as the executable manually for now.

cd driver
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .