Aliucord / plugin-requests

Plugin requests for Aliucord
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Auto convert vm.tiktok links into vxtiktok links #1270

Closed Kezzers closed 3 months ago

Kezzers commented 7 months ago

Discord Account


Plugin Description

People (sadly) seem to use TikTok a lot. I hate the app with a burning passion and always die of cringe whenever I click on a funny video a friend sent me and I get autoredirected to the appstore to download TikTok.

I'd love to see a plugin that auto converts links from the normal share that people use (example: on Desktop or on mobile to the vxtiktok (embed video) version so I don't have to go open my Browser App and get spammed by TikTok to download their app every click, but instead get a convenient embed that's playable on Discord.

This shouldn't be against TOS, as the FixTwitterEmbeds Plugin basically does the same thing (I think, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)

Thanks for reading, hope someone will do this! <3

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zt64 commented 3 months ago

Use TextReplace plugin