Aliucord / plugin-requests

Plugin requests for Aliucord
42 stars 3 forks source link

Show Button to Delete Message and Some Other on Every Chat #1302

Open whotfisdis opened 5 months ago

whotfisdis commented 5 months ago

Discord Account


Plugin Description

Hi, i want to request a plugin that the plugin would be the same function like this Vencord plugin .

So we don't need to long press the chat to delete them or the some other options, we only need to click the button that appears on the right side of the chat (example). And the button will always appear on the chat. Maybe the Delete Messages, Reply, and Copy Message Link button would be good. Thank youu

Go into more detail...

I know there's a request for a direct delete button (#560), but the plugin i requested were there would be a 3 button or something. Like to Copy Message Link, Reply Chat, and Delete Message. I'm sorry if it's stil counted as not original request, i can cancel my request then.

Request Agreement