Aliucord / plugin-requests

Plugin requests for Aliucord
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Plugin for DeskTop Mode #1394

Open deathjumper21 opened 3 weeks ago

deathjumper21 commented 3 weeks ago

Discord Account


Plugin Description

So. i am on a note 20 ultra from samsung. it has this really cool thing called samsung dex that turns ur phone into a desktop experince when hooked up to a tv, and most apps work very well. discord has made a mode called tablet mode and samsung uses that. but itd be better if there was a plugin that turned the entire app into desktop mode.

Go into more detail...

maybe add an easy on and off button for switching between desktop mode and normal phone mode. but it should have everything normal desktop mode has as far as the screen and whats showing. permanet right side bar of people and permanet server selecter.

Request Agreement

deathjumper21 commented 3 weeks ago

really hope to see someone make this please and thank u