Aliucord / plugin-requests

Plugin requests for Aliucord
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sticker queuing #159

Open voidfill opened 3 years ago

voidfill commented 3 years ago

Discord Account

void#0001 (i dont have the funny characters and im lazy deal with it)

Plugin Description

queues stickers instead of instantly sending them like on desktop. this way youll be able to add other message content as well and could even be able to queue multiple stickers (up to 3, limit) and/or remove them again.

this is most likely possible, it is definitely on desktop

Go into more detail...

would/should look similar to fileupload queue

Request Agreement

hairyfred commented 3 years ago

Potentially instead of being dedicated to stickers, an all in one gif, sticker, file upload queue I definitely can see this being very useful

keanuplayz commented 3 years ago

Files and GIFs are already queuable. The only thing left is stickers. What are you talking about @hairyfred?

hairyfred commented 3 years ago

Files and GIFs are already queuable. The only thing left is stickers. What are you talking about @hairyfred?

If you use a gif from the gif selector it sends immediatly without the message/ it does not let you add a message BUT yes file upload is fine from my experience, only mentioned it due to the op's post

keanuplayz commented 3 years ago

Apologies, I now defer you're talking about the built-in GIF selector. Should've figured that.