AliveToolkit / alive2

Automatic verification of LLVM optimizations
MIT License
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missed alarm? #1020

Closed regehr closed 4 months ago

regehr commented 4 months ago

Alive with Z3 4.12.6 verifies this pair:

define i64 @src(float %0) {
  %1 = fptosi float %0 to i32
  %2 = sext i32 %1 to i64
  ret i64 %2

sink:                                             ; No predecessors!

define i64 @tgt(float %0) {
  %1 = fptosi float %0 to i64
  ret i64 %1

sink:                                             ; No predecessors!

but I don't think it's right

Johns-MacBook-Pro:~ regehr$ cat test.c
#include <stdio.h>

unsigned long src(float);
unsigned long tgt(float);

int main(void) {
  float f = 1.1e12;
  printf("%ld\n", src(f));
  printf("%ld\n", tgt(f));
Johns-MacBook-Pro:~ regehr$ llc foo.ll
Johns-MacBook-Pro:~ regehr$ clang test.c foo.s
Johns-MacBook-Pro:~ regehr$ ./a.out 
Johns-MacBook-Pro:~ regehr$ 

I looked at the SMT queries and they seem plausible but I don't understand all of what's going on there. cc @zhengyang92

nunoplopes commented 4 months ago

It's correct because fptosi gives poison if the value doesn't fit. Doing fptosi in 64 bits will have the same behavior as the 32 bit version in src when the value fits.

If you flip src/tgt, then you get a counterexample.

regehr commented 4 months ago

argh thanks Nuno.