Closed lsseckman closed 7 years ago
Any ideas on this? Seems docker-machine can't find where I put the driver. Here's what I did:
[05:54 PM | bin]$ ls <other files> docker-machine-driver-aliyunecs.darwin-amd64
[05:54 PM | bin]$ ls
<other files> docker-machine-driver-aliyunecs.darwin-amd64
then check to see that it's in path:
[05:52 PM | ~]$ echo $PATH /Users/etlab/anaconda/bin:/opt/boxen/heroku/bin:bin:/opt/boxen/rbenv/shims:/opt/boxen/rbenv/bin:/opt/boxen/ruby-build/bin:node_modules/.bin:/opt/boxen/nodenv/shims:/opt/boxen/nodenv/bin:/opt/boxen/bin:/opt/boxen/homebrew/bin:/opt/boxen/homebrew/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/Users/etlab/bin
then try to set up a new box with it:
[05:47 PM | ~]$ docker-machine create -d aliyunecs
Driver "aliyunecs" not found. Do you have the plugin binary accessible in your PATH?
edit: also referenced here --
sorry. help docs '' will be updated tommorrow. you can visite
already updated!
Any ideas on this? Seems docker-machine can't find where I put the driver. Here's what I did:
[05:54 PM | bin]$ ls
<other files> docker-machine-driver-aliyunecs.darwin-amd64
then check to see that it's in path:
then try to set up a new box with it:
edit: also referenced here --