AliyunContainerService / redis-cluster

HA Redis Cluster with Sentinel by Docker Compose
Apache License 2.0
453 stars 203 forks source link

READONLY You can't write against a read only slave one paused and unpaused #8

Open santosh2812 opened 7 years ago

santosh2812 commented 7 years ago

Hi, Have downloaded and followed the steps to build the same, and opened the kitematic to see the port which I can use to access it from my c# code, first time it work one I used the command to pause the master the application throw exception and after rerunning it it throws below error, READONLY You can't write against a read only slave my connectTimeout is 15 sec in connection string. Again unpausing the master did not worked. apart from this can you please suggest me how to have 3 master and 3 slave with. and also please tell me the difference between sentinel and Load balance concept in redis. thanks

santosh2812 commented 7 years ago

HI, am not able to configure it for connecting from C# or redis-cli as for connecting we need local IP and port number, have configured the Sentinel config file as below `protected-mode no

port 26379

sentinel announce-ip

dir /tmp

sentinel monitor mymaster redis-master 6379 $SENTINEL_QUORUM

sentinel down-after-milliseconds mymaster $SENTINEL_DOWN_AFTER

sentinel parallel-syncs mymaster 1

sentinel failover-timeout mymaster $SENTINEL_FAILOVER` here I have specified the my Local IP but when I check it from the Docker ps it did not show the port from which i can connect CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES fbf01770a675 redis:3 "docker-entrypoint..." 18 seconds ago Up 16 seconds 6379/tcp redissentinel_slave_2 6eecfe2df203 redissentinel_sentinel "sentinel-entrypoi..." 56 seconds ago Up 53 seconds 6379/tcp, 26379/tcp redissentinel_sentinel_3 d58fcb783d9d redissentinel_sentinel "sentinel-entrypoi..." 56 seconds ago Up 53 seconds 6379/tcp, 26379/tcp redissentinel_sentinel_2