AlizadehAli / 2D_label_parser

2D label parser reposotory contains a parser script that converts COCO/YOLO, BDD, and nuscenes labels format to YOLOv3 darknet format.
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NuScenes Package Usage #1

Open DBadLuck opened 3 years ago

DBadLuck commented 3 years ago

The NuScenes Data Format is structured in different small packages. 10 Packages with Trainval Images and another package for Metadata.

How should your code be used? Which label.json file should be used? (Metadata PAckage have a few files like sample_annotation.json or sample_data.json) Does your 2D_nuscenes.json file include all images of the NuScenes package or only the annotations for the mini Nuscenes Dataset?

ljsandlbc commented 1 year ago

import os from os import walk, getcwd import json from typing import List, Any from PIL import Image from tqdm import tqdm import argparse

author = "Ali Alizadeh" email = ' /' license = 'AA_Parser'

def parse_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description= 'YOLOv3 json, Berkeley Deep Drive dataset (BDD100K), nuscenes 2D labels to txt-label format for yolov3 darknet NN model') parser.add_argument("-dt", "--data_type", default="yolo", help="data type of interest; yolo, bdd, nuscenes") parser.add_argument("-l", "--label_dir", default="./labels/", help="root directory of the labels for YOLO json file, Berkeley Deep Drive (BDD) json-file, nuscenes") parser.add_argument("-s", "--save_dir", default="./target_labels/", help="path directory to save the the converted label files") parser.add_argument("-i", "--image_dir", default=None, required=False, help="path where the images are located to BDD100K, nescenes, etc.") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output_dir", default=None, required=False, help="output directory to save the manipulated image files") args = parser.parse_args() return args

"""Assistive functions""" def convert(size, box): dw = 1./size[0] dh = 1./size[1] x = (box[0] + box[1])/2.0 y = (box[2] + box[3])/2.0 w = box[1] - box[0] h = box[3] - box[2] x = xdw w = wdw y = ydh h = hdh return (x,y,w,h)

def collect_bdd_labels(bdd_label_path): bdd_json_list = [] for file in tqdm(os.listdir(bdd_label_path)): if file.endswith(".json"): bdd_json_list.append(file) return bdd_json_list

def sync_labels_imgs(label_path, img_path): for path, subdirs, files in tqdm(os.walk(img_path)): for file in tqdm(files): if file.lower().endswith('jpg'): image_folders_path = img_path + path.split('/')[-1] image_path = os.path.join(image_folders_path, file) image_path = image_path.split('.')[0] + '.txt' if not os.path.isdir(image_path): os.remove(image_path)

def write_training_data_path_synced_with_labels(img_path): with open('nuscenes_training_dataPath.txt', 'w') as train_data_path: for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(img_path): for file in files: if file.lower().endswith('png'): full_path = os.path.join(path, file) full_path = full_path.split('.')[0]+ '.txt' full_path = 'images/'+path.split('/')[-1]+'/'+full_path.split('/')[-1] train_data_path.write(str(full_path) + os.linesep) train_data_path.close()

"""Main parser functions""" def bdd_parser(bdd_label_path): bdd_json_list = collect_bdd_labels(bdd_label_path) label_data: List[Any] = [] for file in tqdm(bdd_json_list): label_data.append(json.load(open(bdd_label_path+file))) return label_data

def yolo_parser(json_path, targat_path): json_backup = "./json_backup/"

wd = getcwd()
list_file = open('%s_list.txt' % (wd), 'w')

json_name_list = []
for file in tqdm(os.listdir(json_path)):
    if file.endswith(".json"):

""" Process """
for json_name in tqdm(json_name_list):
    txt_name = json_name.rstrip(".json") + ".txt"
    """ Open input text files """
    txt_path = json_path + json_name
    print("Input:" + txt_path)
    txt_file = open(txt_path, "r")

    """ Open output text files """
    txt_outpath = targat_path + txt_name
    print("Output:" + txt_outpath)
    txt_outfile = open(txt_outpath, "a")

    """ Convert the data to YOLO format """
    lines ='\r\n')
    for idx, line in tqdm(enumerate(lines)):
        if ("lineColor" in line):
    if ("label" in line):
        x1 = float(lines[idx + 5].rstrip(','))
        y1 = float(lines[idx + 6])
        x2 = float(lines[idx + 9].rstrip(','))
        y2 = float(lines[idx + 10])
        cls = line[16:17]

        """ in case when labelling, points are not in the right order """
    xmin = min(x1, x2)
    xmax = max(x1, x2)
    ymin = min(y1, y2)
ymax = max(y1, y2)
img_path = str('%s/dataset/%s.jpg' % (wd, os.path.splitext(json_name)[0]))

im =
w = int(im.size[0])
h = int(im.size[1])

print(w, h)
print(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
b = (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
bb = convert((w, h), b)
txt_outfile.write(cls + " " + " ".join([str(a) for a in bb]) + '\n')

os.rename(txt_path, json_backup + json_name)  # move json file to backup folder

""" Save those images with bb into list"""
if ("label") != 0):
    list_file.write('%s/dataset/%s.jpg\n' % (wd, os.path.splitext(txt_name)[0]))


def nuscenes_parser(label_path, target_path, img_path): json_backup = "json_backup/" wd = getcwd()

""" Get input json file list """
json_name_list = []
for file in tqdm(os.listdir(label_path)):
    if file.endswith(".json"):
        data = json.load(open(label_path + file))

        # Aggregate the bounding boxes associate with each image
        unique_img_names = []
        for i in tqdm(range(len(data))):

        unique_img_names = list(dict.fromkeys(unique_img_names))

        i: int
        for i in tqdm(range(len(unique_img_names))):
            f = open(target_path + unique_img_names[i].split('/')[1] + '/' + unique_img_names[i].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '.txt', "w+")
            for idx, name in enumerate(data):
                if unique_img_names[i] == name['filename']:
                    x, y, w, h = convert((1600, 900), name['bbox_corners'])
                    if 'pedestrian' in name['category_name']:
                        obj_class = 0
                    elif 'bicycle' in name['category_name']:
                        obj_class = 1
                    elif 'motorcycle' in name['category_name']:
                        obj_class = 2
                    elif 'car' in name['category_name']:
                        obj_class = 3
                    elif 'bus' in name['category_name']:
                        obj_class = 4
                    elif 'truck' in name['category_name']:
                        obj_class = 5
                    elif 'emergency' in name['category_name']:
                        obj_class = 6
                    elif 'construction' in name['category_name']:
                        obj_class = 7
                    elif 'movable_object' in name['category_name']:
                        obj_class = 8
                    elif 'bicycle_rack' in name['category_name']:
                        obj_class = 9

                    temp = [str(obj_class), str(x), str(y), str(w), str(h), '\n']
                    L = " "
                    L = L.join(temp)
        sync_labels_imgs(target_path, img_path)
        n = open('nuscenes.names', "w+")
        n.write('pedestrian \n')
        n.write('bicycle \n')
        n.write('motorcycle \n')
        n.write('car \n')
        n.write('bus \n')
        n.write('truck \n')
        n.write('emergency \n')
        n.write('construction \n')
        n.write('movable_object \n')
        n.write('bicycle_rack \n')


if name == 'main': args = parse_arguments()

if args.data_type == 'yolo':
    data = yolo_parser(args.label_dir, args.save_dir)

elif args.data_type == 'bdd':
    data = bdd_parser(args.label_dir)

elif args.data_type == 'nuscenes':
    data = nuscenes_parser(args.label_dir, args.save_dir, args.image_dir)

    print(40 * '-')
    print('{} data is not included in this parser!'.format(args.data_type))

what should i do for the problem,my english is bad。

ljsandlbc commented 1 year ago

Input:./labels/2D_nuscenes.json Output:./target_labels/2D_nuscene.txt 1it [00:00, 181.56it/s] 0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s] Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 224, in data = yolo_parser(args.label_dir, args.save_dir) File "", line 122, in yolo_parser xmin = min(x1, x2) UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x1' referenced before assignment