Alkaar / resy-booking-bot

🔫 Helps to snipe hard to get reservations at restaurants that use resy
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Getting val resyKeys ="resyKeys").loadOrThrow[ResyKeys] #142

Closed MineSafety closed 8 months ago

MineSafety commented 1 year ago

I am getting this error when running the bot:

could not find implicit value for parameter reader: pureconfig.ConfigReader[com.resy.ResyKeys]
    val resyKeys   ="resyKeys").loadOrThrow[ResyKeys]

Even though I am quite positive that my apiKey and authToken are correct. Full code is below (with a randomized/fake apiKey and authToken).

package com.resy

final case class ResyKeys(apiKey: "VbWk793L4KiK5fzlO7JDlFL3n5", authToken: "J8J0JX22iOiJK65QiLCJJbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.J8JlJJ22iOjJ2OTM5MjU0ODI9InV2ZCI6MzUwNTJzLCJndCI6ImNvbnN1bWV8IiwiZ3MiOltdLCJ98W5nIjoiZW4tdXMiLCJlJJR889I6J8JndWVzdF92ZCI6MjkzNDg5Nn19.22NFjq22ix522lItXMZv32Vfjv8OFJ22JCB65d8tzFu2NMXKNgr1_TX8wwm4icznIXw2-8LiZ7ktx88Jt9T8N22JwViZ22b8O0fG9G0VIZv9ujW22ZFuM8f_Gq-9-8RCv5_klQMKQM5q9c3MJut1JKfL2_8Wm8M2rmD22-ZZWg522CmXx2M22bJQ7")

final case class ReservationDetails(
  date: "2023-07-23",
  partySize: 4,
  venueId: 99999,
  resTimeTypes: Seq[ReservationTimeType]

final case class ReservationTimeType(reservationTime: String, tableType: Option[String] = None)

object ReservationTimeType {

  def apply(reservationTime: String, tableType: String): ReservationTimeType = {
    ReservationTimeType(reservationTime, Some(tableType))

final case class SnipeTime(hours: 11, minutes: 15)

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