Alkarex / EasyRSS

Android client for RSS services compatible with Google Reader API
GNU General Public License v3.0
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favorites are not updated from the server #28

Closed oupala closed 6 years ago

oupala commented 7 years ago

If some articles are un-favorited on the server (ie. with freshrss), the articles still appear as favorited in Easy RSS.

The favorites list should be updated from the server data.

I think Easy RSS assume that the reader will always use Easy RSS, and so the un-favorite article will happens on Easy RSS.

But if you also use another client (such as Fresh RSS), the un-favorite action might happens on Fresh RSS. In this case, Easy RSS should update himself depending on the from the server, including favorite articles list.

Ezwen commented 6 years ago

I observe the same problem

Pazns commented 6 years ago

This issue is still running.

Pazns commented 6 years ago

Actually a duplicate of #2.

oupala commented 6 years ago

Closing the issue, as it is a duplicate.