Alkarex / EasyRSS

Android client for RSS services compatible with Google Reader API
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Enhancement] Support for the `visibility` option in the "All unread articles" screen #71

Open Massedil opened 2 years ago

Massedil commented 2 years ago

In FreshRSS, it is possible to set a visibility parameter for each feed: "In the main feed", "Inside its categorie" or "Do not show (archived)"

This visibility parameter is respected in the FreshRSS web app, but is ignored in the EasyRSS app.

It is very annoying inside EasyRSS app because the main "All unread articles" is polluted by unwanted articles.

Frenzie commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure if that's (sanely) possible within the API, but perhaps it makes more sense as a second setting in FreshRSS itself?