AllMangasReader-dev / AMR

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Fixes never ending loading if onErrorImage #154

Closed Blackcatn13 closed 6 years ago

Blackcatn13 commented 6 years ago

Fixes that after a call to the onErrorImage function and the load in order option is selected it will finish to load the chapter.

In order to trigger this onErrorImage call when a 503 error happens, it's needed a update to the mirrors that give the errors (AllMangasReader-dev/mirrors#29).

This change is Reviewable

Alidou commented 6 years ago

I tried that change but it did not seem to work.

Blackcatn13 commented 6 years ago

It needs the change in the mirror also, if not the onError call never occurs.

This only fixes that the function nbLoadedreturns the correct number of loaded elements if an element has been load after an onErrorImage call.

The onErrorImagecall is never called without the change in the mirror, so without the mirror change this commit has no effect.

braiam commented 6 years ago

Reviewed 1 of 1 files at r1. Review status: all files reviewed at latest revision, all discussions resolved.

Comments from Reviewable

Deus-Rex commented 6 years ago

Will the Mirrors PR also be merged?

braiam commented 6 years ago

Yeah, forgot that.

Deus-Rex commented 6 years ago

Just to clarify, this patch only causes the images that failed to load to bring up the "Try to reload" button, right? Example

Blackcatn13 commented 6 years ago

The patch in the mirrors does that. (Only for the MangaFox mirror, that's the one I know has the 503 error call, for other mirrors returning anything different of 200, the same lines changed in the PR need to be changed in every mirror)

This patch fixes that when the button is pressed, the rest of the chapter never loads (if load pages is in order)