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Mangafox isn’t working anymore and AMR stopped adding new mangas. #157

Open lcangelica opened 6 years ago

lcangelica commented 6 years ago

Similar to the error happening to mangahere described in issue #156, mangafox isn't working as well. AMR stopped adding new mangas to my list and the ones already on it doesn't update when I read new chapters. Every time I open chrome AMR shows all my list as new, 600+ mangas showing as recently updated.

Stubbs9410 commented 6 years ago

same here pls help

Snipeon commented 6 years ago

As said in #156, @twluo would be looking into it when he has time. As for now, I'm brushing up my JS so I can hopefully find a fix.

monkey8113 commented 6 years ago

Its a free plugin, i don't hope for much. Heck, even if its paid plugin. I'll pay to use it! This plugin has change my manga life and stayed with me many years. I'd be very happy if its fixed but for now we can wait for a fix by anyone that willing to spend their free time fixing it. This plugin stayed alive by contributors good will. Its sad that i don't know how to code.

twluo commented 6 years ago

@Stubbs9410 @Snipeon @monkey8113 @lcangelica

I'm not sure what exactly is wrong with MangaFox since I don't use it very much. But try out my new change and tell me if there's anything else broken. I fixed the issue of updating and adding mangas also I think it should fixe the 600+ mangas showing as recently updated. I didn't have too much time to test. But you can test for me :)

Snipeon commented 6 years ago

@twluo good man, you fixed it all before I could take a crack at it! Nice!

Who knew adding a simple http: into the equation would work...

king37sniper commented 6 years ago

It's able to download ?

Snipeon commented 6 years ago

Yes. Though I would say it's Mangahere and Mangafox having trouble with their servers now.

king37sniper commented 6 years ago

From here ?

Snipeon commented 6 years ago

Grab the repo from @twluo and manually load it, @braiam hasn't approved of his changes yet...

king37sniper commented 6 years ago


Snipeon commented 6 years ago

@twluo Mangafox just turned back on https, it's broken again.

twluo commented 6 years ago

I made some changes so that it recognizes but it seems that its getting an error when calling mangafox so not sure it works sometimes it doesn't work other times.

Snipeon commented 6 years ago

both Mangahere and Mangafox is now sometimes responding and other times not. I feel that is the problem.

Snipeon commented 6 years ago

Hmm... it seems that Mangafox and Mangahere have both disallowed even loading several chapter lists at once...

The chapter view is also pretty unstable, sometimes loading and sometimes not...

twluo commented 6 years ago

Where you got this information from?

Snipeon commented 6 years ago

bug testing? I don't know what other reason for there to be a 503 error where it would otherwise load normally other than instability or the server side disallowing it.

I tried mass loading the chapter lists in my AMR, but I just received a bunch of 503s. But when I tried to load them one by one, all of em were 200s. So yea, it's either it's disallowed or the server is too unstable to handle a bunch of requests at once. I'm leaning more on the former.

DakuTree commented 6 years ago

It's most likely this is some kind of bot protection like what added about a year ago.

The only solution I've found for this is to grab the chapter/images off the mobile reader, as that doesn't appear to have the bot protection.
This doesn't work for series licensed in the US however, as those aren't visible on the mobile reader (even if you're outside the US and can view them on the normal site).

twluo commented 6 years ago

Is there a workaround for mangahere?

king37sniper commented 6 years ago

We neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed u @braiam Pls Help :(

Snipeon commented 6 years ago

I'll just quote @braiam here:

This is a problem of MangaFox that understands that people loading several images at once are abusing (I have no other way to interpret a 503 error where the image loads fine some times). The only solution is to talk with MF so they allow it, or just disable the chapter view.

He was talking about the problem when chapter view was broken on Mangafox. And seeing how Mangafox and Mangahere are owned by the same idiot who insists on making others' life miserable just to further his own profits(go check it out), it would just be an uphill battle.

On that note, I'll say that you did a really good job, @twluo. If you really did want to fix everything, I'll say that it would just increase the loading times. By a lot.

king37sniper commented 6 years ago

It's fine, i can wait a little bit longer when loading manga As long as i still can track my mangas list and watch it in all page mode

Snipeon commented 6 years ago

@king37sniper then in that case @twluo's version can do that just fine now... Just enable this in AMR... This

twluo commented 6 years ago

MangaHere doesn't load chapters all at once T_T

king37sniper commented 6 years ago

Nope, in my case it still broken

Snipeon commented 6 years ago

@twluo well yep, there's a 503 preventing the script from running correctly...

@king37sniper have you updated your manga lists? Meaning export your list, add https, import it back in...

king37sniper commented 6 years ago

Yep, i did all of it

monkey8113 commented 6 years ago

Actually i don't think that's the problem, as Manga Viewer plugin still function perfectly.I just don't like how it store and notify new chapter.

drehren commented 6 years ago

If you have problems loading all pages, you can check the "Load chapter pages in order" setting, that will only request one page at a time... that fixed MangaFox for me when it still worked.

noodle27 commented 6 years ago

I'm having problems loading all pages on Mangahere right now (I applied @twluo's quick fix and it fixed Mangahere, things worked nicely but yesterday it happens again). Already checked "Load chapter pages in order" and "Save banwidth" but it doesn't help.

Snipeon commented 6 years ago

@monkey8113 good idea, I'll cross reference MV and AMR, See how they differ in loading chapters and stuff. Though be warned that it could take a couple of months, I need to brush up my JS and shit first.

twluo commented 6 years ago

MV also has a limit on how many mangas you can store which is one of the reasons I'm not a fan. Is anyone else having issues when you restart your computer the mangalist is not updated to the latest point? Its regressing to a previous points.

twluo commented 6 years ago

Is there a reason why you guys stick to mangafox or mangahere? Is it just because you started with it and migrating will be a pain in the ass? I'm thinking of writing a script to migrate all my mangas to mangareader. Is anyone interested on it? (if I manage to finish it)

Snipeon commented 6 years ago

@twluo I use all three, on top of batoto. It's just that there are some manga which do not exist on mangareader and vice versa. And mangareader takes quite a bit to update the newest chapters, on top of regular mess ups of the newest chapter formatting.

noodle27 commented 6 years ago

@twluo I don't use mangafox since they compressed the image like an asshole, but on mangahere it's still at an acceptable size without a huge arse watermark on the page, and they do have some series that are banned on batoto (like goblin slayer for example) so I'm still using it as back up (for series that are not available on batoto)

monkey8113 commented 6 years ago

I used mangafox because most of the manga available else where will be there. While some are not available in mangahere. But both of them lose to chinese manga website which AMR stop supporting long time ago. The chinese version of all manga is normally faster and more complete.

coderpsy commented 6 years ago

@Snipeon isnt batoto have same issue. it doesnt track latest chapter.(at least for me)

Is it possible issue can be solved with this ?

When I change my ip and import mangas batoto works for a day or two then all my latest chapters become null(cant find,cant open link but if manga have a new chapter I get notification :) ). i think website somehow tracks crawlers and ip ban users.

monkey8113 commented 6 years ago

@twluo after some testing with your AMR fix, and exporting my data where i replace the http to https it all works well. But i do realise AMR tooks forever to load manga now, this problem seem to happens before the https switch. When i test it on MV however, it loads normally. No idea what they do differently over there but it works. To be exact, it happens when i enable "Load scans in the order of the chapter". When its off however it loads a lot faster but quite a few page would fail to load and would need to click on "Try to reload" button to reload it. I cant do much to help, but i can tell you my findings just incase it might be helpful to you. Thanks a lot for the fix! Really appreciate it!

king37sniper commented 6 years ago

@braiam Maybe he's on vacation, so sad =))

king37sniper commented 6 years ago

Can u guys add new manga ? In my case, arm alway show "No chapters found yet..."

noodle27 commented 6 years ago

I can add them normally. Did you try make AMR reload the chapter list?

king37sniper commented 6 years ago

Yes, mangahere and fox broken, i can't add new manga Mangareader work fine

Snipeon commented 6 years ago

No problem here as well.

king37sniper commented 6 years ago


CrisisJam commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm not sure if it is just me but I check Mangafox every day and it seems that no new mangas or updates have been added since Aug 8th. Could this be checked, please?

king37sniper commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm not sure if it is just me but I check Mangafox every day and it seems that no new mangas or updates have been added since Aug 8th. Could this be checked, please?

Mangafox has already changed to fanfox,net. and a new AMR ext released, check it out.