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Host implementation scripts on a Github repository #85

Open fuzetsu opened 10 years ago

fuzetsu commented 10 years ago

As I mentioned on issue #84 I think that it would make it much easier for people to improve / develop implementations if it was hosted as a Github repo.

And speaking of implementations I kind of feel like the hosting / update method for them could be improved. I think it would be better to host them in a Github repo which is kept up to date on the server in order to make it easier to make modifications and track issues. The community site is not bad but it is hard to beat Github at its own game.

Currently the developer would have to contact an admin on the forums and ask to be added as a developer, they would have to work through the community site's error prone interface and then wait for approval from a validator in a less than obvious way.

If they were hosted on a repository any user could fork/clone it, make their modifications and submit pull requests that can then be validated and accepted by those authorized to do so.

I'm not 100% clear on how it is currently implemented but I imagine that the server could just keep itself up to date with the master branch of the git repo and that the extension could continue to fetch from the server. I'm not sure how the "import into AMR" works in the community site but there must be some way to implement similar functionality using a git repo, maybe have the extension download the raw scripts from Github when given the repo URL or something along those lines (an option that could be added to AMR's option page when the user indicates that they are a developer).

Some of the main advantages I think would be the wider reach for developers and the much better interface for submitting bugs / issues.

Let me know if I'm missing something, any thoughts?

braiam commented 10 years ago

The use of the community site is because:

  1. The site creates a JSON list automatically and this is what tells AMR what scripts download and the icons of each site.
  2. Integration with the lab.
  3. You can test your own scripts without annoying someone else once you have permission to access the .

I totally agree that the permissions for being a developer is quite difficult since @plduhoux go MIA every now and then, so, some method that the community can administrate itself would be ideal, but it's also dangerous from the security point of view (our extension practically runs on every website, since using the manifest.json is a pain).

I can create a repo that everyone can send/contribute and developers manually update the scripts with their privileges.

braiam commented 10 years ago

I've created a mirror of the implementations scripts in, any non-developer could make suggestions there and @AllMangasReader-dev/developers could use their permissions and publish changes into the community site, this is not permanent, but it should suffice for now.

A guide should be written in the wiki about the process, and should have blessings of all @AllMangasReader-dev/owners and @AllMangasReader-dev/developers. Please, start discussion about the guide on the forums.

fuzetsu commented 10 years ago

So you don't think it would be easy to have the server reflect what is on the repository? What I'm suggesting wouldn't affect the generating of the JSON list I don't think. Whenever the repository accepts a new pull request the server (I'm referring to the current server, @plduhoux's server) would pull the changes, create the JSON list etc.

It might complicate the integration with the lab and the testing of scripts but that's why I created this issue, to discuss it. I think there should definitely be a way to replace the source of the scripts and let a user point to their own repository for certain scripts or all of them instead of @plduhoux's server. I think I'm going to spend some time today doing a bit of research into this and how it could be possible because it would be fairly useful to improve the interface for creating/updating implementations.

fuzetsu commented 10 years ago

Oh and speaking of loading on every website I think I'm going to look into a method of improving that. I'll run some tests locally but I think I have a way to at least lessen the amount of stuff we load on every page.