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FLIT Content - Blog post - Where? Suggested date 09/09/24 #14

Open DeeMcCart opened 1 week ago

DeeMcCart commented 1 week ago

EPIC: Content / FAQ/ Chatbot

As a role I can capability so that received benefit As a system designer I want to explain the initial scope of to achieve some structure in my thoughts and reach my audience

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DeeMcCart commented 1 week ago - geographic scope The geographic scope of the first version of FLIT is southern Ireland. Yes we area aware this is a small, niche market where it may be difficult to get started. Ireland is, an excellent test bed for new products ad services, and should provide reasonably quick feedback on the Go-To-Market strategy and whether it is workable.

Fiinancial principles are pretty much universal, regardless of location. However, FLIT aims to guide users through SPECIFIC processes, at a reasonably detailed level, these will vary from one territory to anotehr - for example, the procedure for checling your PRSI/ social welfare contributions and establishing your state pension entitlements, is very specific; and the actions you can take to bolster your PRSI contributions thereby increasing your pension, are equally specific both in terms of knowing what office to contact, and knowing what is within your power to request under the Irish legal and financial systems.

Therefore is initially an Irish solution. Once established in Ireland, we will be eyeing up territories of interest which are likely to be UK (because of proximity and prior experience of founders) and South Africa (because of scale and growth of youth market).