AllStarLink / ASL-Asterisk

Version of Asterisk used for AllStarLink
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usbradio - no RX audio #27

Closed Mason10198 closed 2 months ago

Mason10198 commented 2 years ago

Using a DMK URIxB connected to a Pi4 running ASL2.0.0b6, SimpleUSB works perfectly for both RX and TX. With the same connections, USBradio does not get RX audio.

asl-menu -> radio-tune-menu -> Set Rx Voice Level (using display) ---- audio meter does not budge asl-menu -> radio-tune-menu -> Toggle echo mode ---- does not echo anything

/var/log/asterisk/messages shows the following when USBradio is enabled:

[Jan  2 21:52:29] NOTICE[1986] chan_usbradio.c: Assigned USB device 1-1.2:1.0 to usbradio channel usb_1111
[Jan  2 21:52:29] WARNING[1986] chan_usbradio.c: Loaded parameters from usbradio_tune_usb_1111.conf for device usb_1111 .
[Jan  2 21:52:29] WARNING[1985] chan_usbradio.c: Possibly stuck USB read channel. [usb_1111]
[Jan  2 21:52:29] WARNING[1985] chan_usbradio.c: Nope, USB read channel [usb_1111] wasn't stuck after all.

Working simpleusb.conf:

; If you are going to use this channel driver, you MUST enable it in modules.conf
; change:
; noload => ;                   CM1xx USB Cards with Radio Interface Channel Driver (No DSP)
; to:
; load => ;                   CM1xx USB Cards with Radio Interface Channel Driver (No DSP)

; SimpleUSB configuration



eeprom = 0              ; EEPROM installed: 0,1
                        ; 0 = no (default)
                        ; 1 = yes

hdwtype = 0             ; Leave this set to 0 for USB sound fobs modified using
                        ; the instructions from usbfob.pdf. Use a setting of
                        ; 1 is for Dingotel/Sph interfaces.

; Receiver parameters

rxboost = 1             ; 0 = 20db attenuator inserted, 1= 20db attenuator removed
                        ; Set to 1 for additonal gain if using a low-level receiver output

carrierfrom = usbinvert ; no,usb,usbinvert
                        ; no - no carrier detection at all
                        ; usb - from the COR line on the USB sound fob (Active high)
                        ; usbinvert - from the inverted COR line on the USB sound fob (Active low)

ctcssfrom = no          ; no,usb,usbinvert
                        ; no - CTCSS decoding, system will be carrier squelch
                        ; usb - CTCSS decoding using input from USB sound fob (Active high)
                        ; usbinvert - from the inverted CTCSS line on the USB sound fob (Active low)

deemphasis = no         ; enable de-emphasis (input from discriminator)

plfilter = no           ; enable PL filter

rxondelay = 5           ; number of 20ms intervals to hold off receiver turn-on indication

; Transmitter parameters

txmixa = voice          ; Left channel output (A): no,voice
                        ; no - Do not output anything
                        ; voice - output voice only

txmixb = no             ; Right channel output (B): no,voice
                        ; no - Do not output anything
                        ; voice - output voice only

txboost = 1

invertptt = 0           ; Invert PTT: 0,1
                        ; 0 - ground to transmit
                        ; 1 - open to transmit

preemphasis = 0         ; Perform standard 6db/octave pre-emphasis

; pager = no            ; no,a,b (e.g. pager = b means "put the normal repeat audio on channel A, and the pager audio on channel B")

; duplex3 = 0           ; duplex 3 gain setting (0 to disable)

duplex = 0              ; Duplex 0,1
                        ; 0 - half duplex
                        ; 1 - full duplex

#includeifexists custom/simpleusb.conf

Non-working usbradio.conf:

; If you are going to use this channel driver, you MUST enable it in modules.conf
; noload => ;                    CM1xx USB Cards with Radio Interface Channel Driver (DSP)
; to:
; load => ;                    CM1xx USB Cards with Radio Interface Channel Driver (DSP)

; Usbradio channel driver Configuration File



eeprom = 0                      ; EEPROM installed: 0,1
                                ; 0 = no (default)
                                ; 1 = yes

hdwtype = 0                     ; Leave this set to 0 for USB sound fobs modified using
                                ; the instructions from usbfob.pdf. Use a setting of
                                ; 1 is for Dingotel/Sph interfaces.

rxboost = 1                     ; 0 - 20db attenuator inserted
                                ; 1 - 20db attenuator removed
                                ; Set to 1 for additonal gain if using a low-level receiver output

rxctcssrelax = 1                ; reduce talkoff from radios w/o CTCSS TX HPF
                                ; Do not change this, leave this as a 1

rxsqhyst = 500                  ; Setting Squelch Hysteresis
                                ; 3000 is the default amount.
                                ; An amount of 500 seems good.
                                ; Then set the squelch to the highest number revealed when doing a "radio
                                ; tune rxsquelch" - running the command multiple (like 20) times in a row.
                                ; <>

txctcssdefault = 113.8          ; default TX CTCSS frequency, any frequency permitted
rxctcssfreqs = 113.8            ; RX CTCSS frequencies list in floating point. must be in table
txctcssfreqs = 113.8            ; TX CTCSS frequencies list. any frequency permitted. will follow RX CTCSS frequency
rxctcssoverride = 0             ; Set to 1 to start out in carrier squelch mode

carrierfrom = usbinvert         ; no,usb,usbinvert,dsp,vox
                                ; no - no carrier detection at all
                                ; usb - from the COR line on the USB sound fob (Active high)
                                ; usbinvert - from the inverted COR line on the USB sound fob (Active low)
                                ; dsp - from RX noise using DSP techniques
                                ; vox - voice activated from RX audio

ctcssfrom = no                  ; no,usb,usbinvert,dsp
                                ; no - no CTCSS decoding, system will be carrier squelch
                                ; usb - from the CTCSS line on the USB sound fob (Active high)
                                ; usbinvert - from the inverted CTCSS line on the USB sound fob (Active low)
                                ; dsp - CTCSS decoding using RX audio in DSP.
                                ; rxdemod option must be set to flat for this to work.

rxdemod = flat                  ; input type from radio: no,speaker,flat
                                ; no - RX audio input not used
                                ; flat - Use RX audio from discriminator (before de-emphasis)
                                ; speaker - use de-emphasized audio

rxsquelchdelay = 30             ; delayline in ms carrier squelch tail eliminator

rxondelay = 0                   ; Number of 20mSec intervals following the release of PTT.
                                ; Uncomment and/or adjust for simplex nodes to eliminate "Ping Ponging"
                                ; or "Relay Racing". A positive value here will instruct the usbradio
                                ; driver to ignore the COR line for a specified number of 20mSec
                                ; intervals following the release of PTT. Use this ONLY on simplex
                                ; nodes, and leave commented out for repeaters or other full duplex nodes.

txboost = 1                     ; Add transmitter audio gain boost: 0,1

txprelim = yes                  ; Audio processing on left output channel: no,yes
                                ; no - Audio is not pre-emphasized and limited.
                                ; Suitable for use on a microphone input
                                ; yes - Audio is pre-emphasized and limited.
                                ; Suitable for direct connection to an FM modulator

txlimonly = no                  ; Audio limiting with no pre-emphasis on output channel: no,yes
                                ; no - Audio is not limited.
                                ; yes - Audio is  limited.
                                ; Suitable for transmitters with no limiting but with pre-emphasis.

txtoctype = notone              ; Transmit tone control type: no,phase,notone
                                ; no - CTCSS tone encoding with no hang time
                                ; phase - encode CTCSS and reverse phase
                                ; AKA ("reverse burst") before unkeying TX
                                ; notone - encode CTCSS and stop sending tone before unkeying TX
                                ; AKA ("chicken burst")

txmixa = voice                  ; Left channel output: no,voice,tone,composite,auxvoice
                                ; no - Do not output anything
                                ; voice - output voice only
                                ; tone - CTCSS tone only
                                ; composite - voice and tone
                                ; auxvoice - auxiliary voice output at headphone level for monitoring

txmixb = no                     ; Right channel output: no,voice,tone,composite, auxvoice
                                ; no - Do not output anything
                                ; voice - output voice only
                                ; tone - CTCSS tone only
                                ; composite - voice and tone
                                ; auxvoice - auxiliary voice output at headphone level for monitoring

; Audio filters - requires version newer than ASL_1.01
rxlpf = 0                       ; Receiver Audio Low Pass Filter 0,1 2
                                ; 0 - 3.0 kHz cutoff (Default) value for reduced noise and increased intelligibility.
                                ; 1 - 3.3 kHz cutoff for increased high end, sibilance and brightness.
                                ; 2 - 3.5 kHz cutoff for even more high end, sibilance and brightness.
rxhpf = 0                       ; Receiver Audio High Pass Filter 0,1
                                ; 0 - 300 Hz cutoff. (Default) value to reduce sub-audible signals for retransmission and in the receiver speaker.
                                ; 1 - 250 Hz cutoff for additional received and retransmitted bass response.
                                ; recommend using this filter with a CTCSS tone no higher than 186.2 Hz.
txlpf = 0                       ; Transmitter Audio Low Pass Filter 0,1
                                ; 0 - 3.0 kHz cutoff. (Default) value.
                                ; 1 - 3.3 kHz cutoff for increased high end, sibilance and brightness.
txhpf = 0                       ; Transmitter Audio High Pass Filter 0,1,2
                                ; 0 - 300 Hz cutoff. (Default) value to reduce interference between voice and sub-audible signaling tones and codes.
                                ; 1 - 250 Hz cutoff for increased bass response in transmitted audio.
                                ; 2 - 120 Hz cutoff for special applications requiring additional bass response in transmitted audio.
                                ; Not recommended due to the increased possibility of voice energy interfering with sub-audible signaling

invertptt = 0                   ; Invert PTT: 0,1
                                ; 0 - ground to transmit
                                ; 1 - open to transmit

duplex = 0                      ; Duplex 0,1
                                ; 0 - half duplex
                                ; 1 - full duplex
duplex3 = 0                     ; duplex 3 gain setting (0 to disable) ???

#includeifexists custom/usbradio.conf
erosian commented 1 year ago

I do not have a DMK URIxB to test with, but have you tried setting carrierfrom=dsp in usbradio.conf and seeing if the issue persists?