AllStarLink / app_rpt

Refactoring and upgrade of AllStarLink's app_rpt, etc.
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simpleusb and radio tune menus: Added new options #308

Closed KB4MDD closed 2 months ago

KB4MDD commented 2 months ago

This changes simpleusb-tune-menu and radio-tune-menu to add new options. This brings feature parity with other distributions of app_rpt.

simpleusb-tune-menu enhancements: View COS, CTCSS and PTT Toggle RX Boost Mode (show current state) Toggle Pre-Emphasis Mode (show current state) Toggle De-Emphasis Mode (show current state) Toggle PL Filter Mode (show current state) Toggle PTT Mode (show current state) Change Carrier From (show current option) {no, usb, usbinvert} Change CTCSS From (show current option) {no, usb, usbinvert} Change RX On Delay (show current option) {0 to 999} Change TX Off Delay (show current option) {0 to 999}

radio-tune-menu enhancements: View COS, CTCSS and PTT Toggle RX Boost Mode (show current state) Toggle TX Boost (show current state) Change Carrier From (show current option) {no, usb, usbinvert, dsp, vox} Change CTCSS From (show current option) {no, usb, usbinvert, dsp} Change RX On Delay (show current option) {0 to 999} Change TX Off Delay (show current option) {0 to 999} Change RX Demodulation (show current option) {no, flat, speaker} Change TX Pre Limiting (show current option) {0, 1} Change TX Limiting Only (show current option) {0, 1} Change TX Mixer A (show current option) {no, voice, tone, composite, auxvoice} Change TX Mixer B (show current option) {no, voice, tone, composite, auxvoice}

The number of new items for radio-tune-menu exceeded the number of lines on a normal display. Some of the options were moved to an Options Menu.

chan_simpleusb and chan_usbradio were updated to implement these new options. The write option in the tune menus will update the appropriate configuration file. Boolean fields will now be stored as 'true' or 'false'.

This closes #302.

KB4MDD commented 2 months ago

I attempted to fix those errant spaces, but github desktop does not think I changed anything.

InterLinked1 commented 2 months ago

I attempted to fix those errant spaces, but github desktop does not think I changed anything.

It looks to me as if you should be able to just backspace those, leaving just the tabs. What happens if you type git status?

KB4MDD commented 2 months ago
On branch tunemenu_update
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/tunemenu_update'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean

I opened chan_usbradio.c in regular notepad - went down to rxboost and it seems to have a tab after the ;

I did like you said originally and backspaced out all of the tabs from the /* back to the ;

InterLinked1 commented 2 months ago
On branch tunemenu_update
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/tunemenu_update'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean

I opened chan_usbradio.c in regular notepad - went down to rxboost and it seems to have a tab after the ;

I did like you said originally and backspaced out all of the tabs from the /* back to the ;

Okay, not sure why that is, but don't worry about it then.