AllTheMods / ATM-4

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Returning from the nether leads to infinite loading screen #111

Open Azuraprincess opened 4 years ago

Azuraprincess commented 4 years ago

So i was in the nether just harvesting and such and when i tried to return back to the overworld im stuck in a loading screen its been going for over 10 minutes now and still on the loading screen and wont let me return to the overworld.

I guess to replicate go back and forth between the nether and the overworld with a full inventory? im not 100% sure how to replicate but im reloading in again to attempt /spawn to see if that will have the same result. /spawn does work it was just when i was trying to enter the portal to head back to the overworld in the nether that it just gave me an infinite loading screen. Sorry for the message issue im not very good at writing these kinds of things.

Asshall commented 4 years ago

I'm new at it too but what matter is that you did it ;) You might be onto something :) What mods do you actually use in your overworld/nether ? Do you have solar pannels from @solarfluxreborn ? A @refinedstorage network ? Is your modpack up to date ? If yes can you open your game with the debug console ( On your launcher go to settings and tick "Open output log when games start" ) and see what it says when going through the portal ?