AllTheMods / ATM-4

Official ATM4 Repo
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All The Mods 4 Mod conflict resulting in insta-disconnect #121

Open Howlingwolf1011 opened 4 years ago

Howlingwolf1011 commented 4 years ago


When using the "sorting interface" from Refined Relocation, and placing it facing into a "Sorting Chest" from the same mod, caused insta-disconnect, and disconnects anytime i try to log back in, when my GF logged in as well, it kicked her as well due to being in the same chunks i was. The bug report mentions "Fairy Lights" so we tried removing Fairy Lights from the mod pack and loading up a creative world that we had replicated the disconnect bug on, which instantly fixed the issue.

It seems that Fairy Lights and Refined Relocation does not play well together, and we are both unable to log back into the public server until it is fixed, luckily we were not near the spawn chunks, or this would have been a much bigger issue, as anyone else who walks near our base will most likely be insta-kicked and locked out as well.