AllTheMods / ATM3-Remix

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Good IO currency And Ender IO #360

Open SGZ-Creations opened 3 years ago

SGZ-Creations commented 3 years ago
  1. Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above: The Vending machine in @Good IO currency And the Wrench in @Ender IO Has a conflict where the issue is that if u click with the wrench the items in it is being deleted.

  2. Expected Behavior. Tell us what should happen: Make it so vending machine don't rotate on click of the Wrench When in hand.

  3. Current Behavior. Tell us what happens instead of the expected behavior: The Vending Machine If build doable will rotate on half u clicked on. The machine is then corrupter and items Deleted.

  4. Possible Solution. Not obligatory, but suggest a fix/reason for the bug: It Deletes Other players items if u don't remember to DE equip the wrench So way not fix it as this is a sad issue

  5. Steps to Reproduce. Provide a link to a live example, or an unambiguous set of steps to reproduce this bug.

5.1: Build the machine

5.2: Equip The Wrench & Click On the top or bottom part of this machine.

5.3: The machine will/ can look like this

5.4: Then if there was items in the machine u will notis that those are gone and machine inventory is half of what it was.

5.5: At Last The machine is also unbreakable.

  1. Log. If this is a crash, or something similar you will have to provide a log. DON'T POST IT DIRECTLY! Use and post it there and link it here:

No Crash

  1. Detailed Description. Provide a detailed description of the change or addition you are proposing: All i ask is that it won't effect the machine with the wrech at all.