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The Integrated Dyanmics Omni-directional connector is broken since the recipe was changed #299

Open Radon8472 opened 3 months ago

Radon8472 commented 3 months ago

Since the recipe for the omni-directional recipe was changed, it is impossible to get to connectors to be in the same group. But to make them working, you need at least 2 connectors in the same network (same group).

What means, the connectors are currently useless since there is no way to bring the same group.

And for players it is very very disappointing when you spend weeks to finally reach the "new recipe" of the connector, yust to see it became a useless item.

See the the following links, how groups should work:

Expected Behavior

  1. 2 Omnidirectional connectors are crafted would have the same group
  2. Crafting existing connectors would change the group of both to the group of the connector that is closer to the upper left of the crafting grid.

Actual behavior

  1. When first crafting the connectors they don`t have any group.
  2. Recipe for crafting 2 connectors together is disabled.

Some information what I already tried

After crafting the connectors you are able to connect them to a network. When you do this, the connector gets a new, never used group.

p.s. one version BEFORE the recipe was changed, I already crafted 2 Connectors the normal way, this 2 are working perfecly fine, can 100% confirm, that this issue comes from the recipe change, and did not exist before.

The old connectors still work fine, to the only issue is the group-recipe.

How to fix