AllTheMods / Server-Scripts

Server Startup Scripts
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ServerStart.bat Vanishing after running initial install #79

Open Nendo-Bane opened 3 years ago

Nendo-Bane commented 3 years ago

First off, when running the ServerStart.bat cmd, the guide tells you to change the eula. There is no eula.txt in the zip file. After that, it skips installing the forge-universal.jar. By the end of it all, the .bat file vanishes and acts like it is still there but hidden. Can't add in another ServerStart.bat file, only says access denied even with admin rights. Very confusing issue. Even still if changing the name of another ServerStart file to ServerStart1.bat the server crashes at boot up almost instantly

JakeZmrzli commented 3 years ago

I found a fix, basically, once it gets deleted you make a new text document and copy everything from here and paste it into the text document. You then go to file and save as and name it anything .bat make sure you put the .bat at the end. When you start it up it should do a loop thing. Right-click the bat file and then press edit. press ctrl and f at the same time and paste this in IF NOT EXIST "%~dp0forge%MC_SERVER_FORGEVER%universal.jar" (. Replace that text with IF NOT EXIST "%~dp0forge%MC_SERVER_FORGEVER%*.jar" ( then save it and start it up should be fixed

HarriFent commented 2 years ago

I opened the command prompt into the server folder where the minecraftforge.jar is kept Then rung the command "java -jar "minecraftforge-xxxxxxxx-installer.jar" --installServer 1" Then created a copy of the StartServer.bat and renamed it to StartServer - copy.bat Then place this copy into the server folder and run it! Hopefully the Minecraftforge-univeral.jar is installed and the server runs successfully