AllTheMods / alltheguides
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Removal / DMCA #10

Closed segg21 closed 8 months ago

segg21 commented 8 months ago

I’m not quite happy nor satisfied about all that has happened, and I do not give consent for you or anyone to take over the guides i’ve worked hours/days on. I deleted it for a reason, leave it be, especially since nobody appreciates anything i’ve done. The deeds/choice of WTD demoting me is done. I will never consider coming back, or have my name or work involved with ATM.

For this reasoning, please make the guides yourself without any content that I’ve wrote/created.

Thank you, and Good bye!

NGBlock commented 8 months ago


segg21 commented 8 months ago


You know what? I don’t care anymore. People will eventually figure out the truth. I’m not even asking for an apology, I’m just making the situation aware since I know there’s probably a bunch of lies/misinformation being told.

Put yourself in my shoes.

Past 2 years you’ve been nothing but helpful to others, technical support, making guides, etc helping out the BEST you can, dedicating so much time and effort towards. You do this because you enjoy helping others, especially making them happy, which makes you happy in return!

Out the blue while at work, an idiot pings you saying something related too: “Channels deleted. Hope your happy”, or something in that nature. I had no idea what was going on, though I was pissed for him accusing me. I knew fingers would’ve been pointed at me for being responsible, all because of one person who doesn’t like me (neither do i like you fyi), barely can read or remember past context.

I explained my side and past conversations (especially the hate and betrayal) that I was initially told, but never shared to prevent drama. In the end, the jerk got what he wanted in his favor, and I guarantee he’s still around, happy I’m gone, talking shit behind my back, making up false stories being a traitor and a huge manipulator. No consequences or remorse. I get demoted because “I’m not a pack developer”? Yea, right! Like half of the team even is. Neither are you a dev. You let other people do all the work which is never accredited, and you live a fortune off it, specifically kids! I’m sorry, but all of this really pissed me off.

After all that was said too me, I’m glad I never was a pack dev. Hate I was ever involved in the first place. Everything was all good until that one person joined the team.

In November, 2023, I was a bit stressed and overwhelmed with things IRL, which I took some time away. I was still having conversations with this person (mainly spamming me being an annoyance like a 5 year old female). Many things was shared with me I never knew about, most of which was constant complaints about WTD, the way he operated things, things he didn’t like, etc, etc. I eventually befriended and blocked him over something unrelated after pissing me over multiple occasions. After hearing so much from him, all I wanted to do was leave without a trace of my existence, which i mentioned wishing I could delete all my messages, but wouldn’t have been possible. (This was what the ping was related too). I never planned on deleting my messages because it wasn’t really possible, neither did I ever plan to delete channels in a server. I’m not that type of person. He was the one mentioned to me about known bot tokens i could use to delete MY messages. If I was really that type of person, I would’ve been done it! Why wait till now? I had no REASON. However, The way I singled out and demoted with no proper investigations or proof I’ve done anything, I hate to say it, but honestly glad it did happened. I would be very careful next time who you accuse, and lucky I’m not that type of person, because there’s a whole lot more I wish I could say.

However I digress. Even if an apology is given, I won’t accept it. Hope you all are happy, you’ll never see or hear from me again - that’s a promise!

Burchard36 commented 8 months ago

As someone who has talked with seg on MULTIPLE occasions and watched him sit in hours in chats helping people (And even myself) it is honestly so sad that SEG was removed for seemingly no reason and that you guys continue to plaster his name all over your guys work (Which is really his from my understanding). Sad. I had thought of the ATM team to be more professional than this, not a bunch of drama-driven hooligans.

It's absolutely sad how the ATM team has handled this, absolutely no public announcement for someone so loved from this community, no proof was provided as to why he was removed. It's like you guys are trying to cover something up, if someone did something bad, provide proof for it and make a statement about it? Not a single lousy update about this incident and it is seemingly just being ignored by everyone now.

Many of us won't forget this, we love you SEG & all the work in support you put into ATM to make this buggy & laggy mess actually functional for all of us. I'm sorry that this has happened to you and hope that the ATM team can at least find the balls to provide any proof they have as to why they did this. You might of not been a dev but you have helped many countless of us throughout the months with any issues that have happened, WAY MORE than any developer has.

Hope others see this as well and see the incompetency of the team by this, and action gets taken.

whatthedrunk commented 8 months ago

Seg was demoted along with several other staff members while investigating the discord hack. He immediately left the discord and ignored attempts to contact him privately (messages were being blocked from sending due to leaving the group or being blocked). At no point was he banned or publicly accused. He then took down the original guide, which we have reposted here as allowed by GPL.

segg21 commented 8 months ago

I promised you would never see or hear from me again though this is final! If anyone believe anything you just said, you both are delusional and should seek mental help/therapy. I will not tolerate any lies or BS upon my name of what actually happened. Exactly what @Burchard36 said. It’s all a cover up, lies, no care. Also thank you for your kind words, I teared a bit. Though God will deal with the evil.

Back to WTD,

Seg was demoted along with several other staff members while investigating the discord hack.

Yea, right. F off -

He immediately left the discord and ignored attempts to contact him privately (messages were being blocked from sending due to leaving the group or being blocked)

Yes I left after being accused and demoted over something I didn’t do, but we were still friends, which I sent you 3 messages that you literally IGNORED. More upset that I just unfriended you and then deleted my Discord. Also, how could I have ignored anyone making attempts of contacting me if I left the server? LOL, you had no care to talk to me so don’t lie acting like you or anyone ever wanted to talk to me.

He then took down the original guide, which we have reposted here as allowed by GPL.

First and foremost, some of the information from older guides I migrated, though most of which I’ve re-written to be made clear and readable in a nice format, though 100% of old stuff you claimed “original” is NOT. I remade EVERYTHING, BETTER! But obviously you don’t care.

Due to GPL, you cannot remove any of my names, authorings, credits, nor can monetize of it in any way entirely claiming it as your own.

I know some may say it was wrong for me to have remove the guides, but look what happened to me after everything I’ve done. You think I really appreciate or would’ve accepted that? Anyone would’ve done the same thing.

As much as I want to be mature over this situation, it’s an absolute joke.

All the good/best people who was part of the team is gone. Me, Enigma, AlfredGG, LadyLexxie, more i can’t recall, though I wonder why they’re no longer around?

Tired of all the lies and BS, that’s what.

screret commented 8 months ago

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over... Yeah, you get the point. fuck all this. I'm not gonna be working for either side; I'm going back to indie.

LouieS84 commented 8 months ago

This is absolutely sad nd i knew ATM was no good. Seg was literally the best of all. He has helped me many times I don't know how I could ever repay. Others are just ignored, though I do appreciate you unlike the cowards who decided to only demote you with no reasoning. No person should ever be treated this way <3.

All this entails is that I should also leave along with @screret . ATM literally sucks. There's way better packs that puts more effort and pride into their work. All ATM is is a bunch of shit thrown together update after update with broken shit that never gets fixed. Selfish and incompetent assholes. I’m sick of it. Not wasting my time with this shit anymore.

whatthedrunk commented 8 months ago

This all happened I less then a day. I did not lie about anything I said. I read your final message while I was at target and immediately responded to let you know I was not ignoring you and that I'd chat when I got home but I could not send you messages anymore. By the time I got home I was told about the removal of the guides. Went back to try and add you as a friend again but the username said DELETED. That's the last I'll be saying about this here as well I wish you the best and just wanted to let you know I tried messaging you and the plan was to add you back until this all happened. I still never publicly said anything bad about you and still won't.

Xplodin commented 8 months ago

So what was the discord hack then? Did someone have access to a bot that can purge? Or is nobody able to even see audit logs?

minecrafterseppe commented 8 months ago

@whatthedrunk can u explain what happend maybe as all im seeing here is u deflect every argument all these people are writing

this stuff doesent just happend without a provocating factor

whatthedrunk commented 8 months ago

It's best to talk about this on discord. A bot token was leaked to all the team members. Some people had PMs saying they were gonna nuke the sub. Later we were nuked. Never said it was seg and we are leaning it's almost impossible to find out who did it. Again not the best place to chat about it all and responding only to mention if you have questions move it to discord because I'll no longer be following this thread.

baeZipster commented 7 months ago


baeZipster commented 7 months ago

this is what happens when you got a team dedicated solely for profit and anything else second to it by the way, how are the AI generated logos working out for yall?

caineblood commented 7 months ago

This is what happens when someone creates something and give it out for free; the haters complain about anything and everything except the one thing they should: Being appreciative of the creation and enjoying it.

I could care less if some of the higher ups make some money, they deserve it; but 99% of the rest of us that contribute our time to helping the pack grow and the users install it don't do it for money; we do it because we enjoy the game and helping people.

Close this thread plz, nothing further good will come of it.
