AllYarnsAreBeautiful / ayab-desktop

The AYAB Software
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[BUG] Incorrect sounds/display at the end of a single repeat #617

Open Adrienne200 opened 7 months ago

Adrienne200 commented 7 months ago

AYAB software version: 0.99 RC2 Computer/OS: Windows 7 Knitting machine: KH910 AYAB hardware: Interface or shield

When the Infinite Repeat box is unchecked, there's a specific sequence to guide the user through the last couple of rows. The current functionality is correct, but the associated sounds are not, they don't match up to the text prompts. Either the sounds or the text need to change. When I first looked at this I thought it was the long sound that had gone missing, but on deeper investigation there is a new sound that I maybe like better, it just needs to be a bit beefier and have a text change to match the new sequence.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open the Triangles sample. It is 10 rows.
  2. All settings on default, the important one is that Infinite Repeat is unchecked.
  3. Start on the left and knit as usual for 8 rows, noticing the end-of-row sounds from the hardware's buzzer and the "ding" from computer's speakers.
  4. Slow down for rows 9 and 10 and observe carefully.

Expected: (For K and L carriage. G may be different.) Take the carriage across for row 9, and as you turn around there's the usual EOR sounds, [Edit: no, the EOR sound from the computer is different.] and the display changes to Row 10 as usual. (It is about to do the selection for row 10, so you'll need to actually knit two more passes for Fair Isle.) This is the place to show a warning that you're almost finished, and a warning sound. (It does this) The Row 10 text should remain as you bring the carriage across for row 10. Now there's no more selection to do, but you need to knit "Row 11". Row 11 should unselect all needles to B. If we still want the double-beep sound, it would go here at the end of row 10 (beginning of row 11) consistent with warning you as you turn around. But it’s only one pass after the previous sound. Alternatively, now that there's a different warning sound from the computer as you turn between 9 and 10, I'd be OK with doing away with the old double-beep warning sound (and changing the text accordingly.) Beef up the sound that now happens as the warning message is posted, possibly repeat it in the hardware buzzer, and rewrite its text.

Actual: Observing at the turnaround between 9 and 10:

For reference: How did Brother handle this? KH930 native does this: TL;DR: In a 10-row pattern a warning sound happens as you turn around after row 9 and are about to select row 10. In detail: As with AYAB, the row numbers on the display are those of the selection that is happening, ignoring the fact that the actual knitting is a row behind. There is no single repeat function as such, it will always select row 1 of the next repeat; the user has to know to not knit pattern row 1 again even though it has selected; but it does have a system to warn you. There's no end-of-row sound, but the row number counts up on the display, solid while the carriage moves across, flashing the old number after you've passed the middle of the bed but haven't turned around yet, steps up to the next number (solid) as you turn. There is an end-of-repeat sound, which is how it warns you that you need to take action to not knit row 1 again if you don't want to. In a 10-row pattern that sound happens as you turn around after row 9 and are about to select for row 10. You will normally knit two more passes after the beep, one to select for row 10, then row 11 to actually knit the row 10 selection, which will also select row 1 again. (When knitting fast, you notice this beep while doing the row 10 selection row, so it feels like just one row of warning, which is what you want; warning a row later would sometimes be too late.) For row 12, you switch the KC knob to NL so that it will "gather up" all the needles and treat them as if they were at B, even though they have pre-selected for row 1 while you were doing row 11 which knits the selection from row 10.

Adrienne200 commented 5 months ago

The sounds are still wrong at rc6, and some steps backwards since 0.95. The new computer-side sounds are great, but they don't quite match the hardware sounds.

The "double-beep" that you're supposed to knit until you hear it, it doesn't exist in the computer, just in the hardware.

The hardware sounds used to have a noticeably different sound for the Start-reminder, EOR, Transmission finished, and knit until the double-beep; now they all sound pretty much the same.