Allan-Neves / Projetos

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Pequenos Feedbacks #1

Open EzequiellSantos opened 9 months ago

EzequiellSantos commented 9 months ago

Eae pareceiro beleza?

Cara, achei da hora o seu projeto templates, não sei se vc ainda está investindo nele, mas eu vim aqui pelo o seu anúncio na issues do guanabara, e vi que os teus links la do insta tão desativado.

obs [tou fazendo a minha primeira issues kkkk, só testanto aqui]


Allan-Neves commented 9 months ago

Muito obrigado pelo alerta! Deixei o projeto parado por um tempo pois estou estudando pro vestibular 💪🏻

EzequiellSantos commented 9 months ago

Show, está estudando pra qual vestibular?

Kai-Denzel-Jane commented 7 months ago

I've reported this if I'm wrongly accusing you guys please speak up if not I'll continue with my thoughts which is that this is indeed phishing or scam materials as you happened to pick me an English only speaker which wouldn't make sense if you were genuinely sharing code as you seem to speak of languages other than English

Kai-Denzel-Jane commented 7 months ago

If this is really just some HTML and CSS templates why was I linked to this saying I've been selected as a tester and then that discussion seems to have disappeared

Allan-Neves commented 7 months ago

I've reported this if I'm wrongly accusing you guys please speak up if not I'll continue with my thoughts which is that this is indeed phishing or scam materials as you happened to pick me an English only speaker which wouldn't make sense if you were genuinely sharing code as you seem to speak of languages other than English


I believe there has been a misunderstanding. I don't recall mentioning or associating you with this project, which is merely a simple portfolio with useful links. I kindly ask you to reconsider and withdraw your complaint. I assure you that I have no intentions of conducting any phishing activities. I appreciate your understanding.

Kai-Denzel-Jane commented 7 months ago

Alright I'm sorry for the misunderstanding as someone mentioned me in something saying that I was a selected tester it must've been another repository I thought it was this one because I randomly had notifications from this repository for some unknown reason I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

Kai-Denzel-Jane commented 7 months ago

The discussion I was mentioned in was referring to some Air Drop season or something and then when I went to report the repository this was the only notification on GitHub despite me never interacting with this here repository and I think I may have jumped to the conclusion because the language between these two was similar and I made a rational decision I'm sorry if this caused any harm I doubt it did because I provided near to none evidence when reporting and I'm sure the team over at GitHub won't take down your work.

Kind regards, Kai Jane

Allan-Neves commented 7 months ago

De forma alguma, fique em paz;)

Kai-Denzel-Jane commented 7 months ago

Oh wait that is the one that mentioned me " Network" I remember it was called AltLayer idk what they wanted but why are they here?

Allan-Neves commented 7 months ago

Desculpe, não entendi muito bem a sua questão, mas este repositório não tem relação alguma com isso

Kai-Denzel-Jane commented 7 months ago

Ok I just know that this person's message you just deleted was indeed the same account that mentioned me it's okay nothing to worry about I'll leave you alone good luck with your future this portfolio is quite nice best of luck.