Allen-ISD-Computer-Science / REPO_AutomaticDifferentiation_2024

Given some input equation, provide a numerical derivative at a given point. The user have a standard text input for the equation and point and the algorithm will provide the numerical derivative along with the steps the algorithm took to derive it. This algorithm will be able to differentiate trigonometric function, logarithmic, and exponentials.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issue: Non-Planarity of Large Graphs #112

Open DragonflyRobotics opened 2 months ago

DragonflyRobotics commented 2 months ago

Although the graph is computed fine, displaying it is difficult as it is non planar. NetworkX has specific tools to handle this like a dodecahedronal mapping but this issue needs to be addressed. It will currently halt the computation even though just the display is affected and throw an exception that will make no sense to the user: "G is not planar".