It has been decided that the first release of VBN data will only include the "spiking data" NWB files. Once we have a functioning session object, we can use that to generate those files.
The ecephys sessions that need to be released are listed in ecephy_etl_pipelines issue 38
[ ] Run the VBN NWB writer module on the ecephys sessions slated for release
[ ] Provide the scientists with a simple script telling them how to read these NWB files into BehaviorEcephysSession objects (be sure to specify which branch of the SDK they need to be working off of).
It has been decided that the first release of VBN data will only include the "spiking data" NWB files. Once we have a functioning session object, we can use that to generate those files.
The ecephys sessions that need to be released are listed in ecephy_etl_pipelines issue 38