Closed ahwillia closed 2 years ago
Digging a bit deeper it seems like importing ecephys_session_api
is the minimal way to reproduce this behavior as shown below.
Python 3.9.9 (main, Jan 13 2022, 00:56:30)
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In [1]: %time import allensdk.brain_observatory.ecephys.ecephys_session_api.ecephys_session_api
CPU times: user 9.18 s, sys: 3.24 s, total: 12.4 s
Wall time: 10.3 s
However, I'm also surprised to see that simply import pynwb
is pretty slow. It accounts for at least some of this.
Python 3.9.9 (main, Jan 13 2022, 00:56:30)
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IPython 8.4.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: %time import pynwb
CPU times: user 2.77 s, sys: 1.61 s, total: 4.38 s
Wall time: 3.26 s
Hi @ahwillia thanks for pointing this out. It doesn't take quite as long on my laptop to import this module. I think the amount of time to import all the libraries is just the cost of doing business with a lot of external dependencies.
@aamster can I ask how long it takes you to load and what versions you are using? If there is a faster configuration, that would be ideal for my workflow.
It takes about 6 seconds and I am using the most recently released version of allensdk on pypi
Python 3.8.0 (default, Nov 6 2019, 15:49:01)
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IPython 7.30.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: %time import allensdk.brain_observatory.ecephys.ecephys_project_cache
CPU times: user 6.59 s, sys: 516 ms, total: 7.11 s
Wall time: 6.43 s
In [2]: allensdk.__version__
Out[2]: '2.13.4'
is very slow -- over 10 seconds, as shown below. Is this typical or just me? I would like to use this in a package I'm developing, but this is adding noticeable friction that I'd rather avoid.This issue seems specific to that submodule. When I run
import allensdk
or evenimport allensdk.brain_observatory.ecephys
it loads within a second.