AllenInstitute / AllenSDK

code for reading and processing Allen Institute for Brain Science data
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Verify that VBN BehaviorSession API works #2560

Closed danielsf closed 1 year ago

danielsf commented 1 year ago

We wrote code to serve behavior-only sessions in the VBN project cache

This code has never actually been used. We should verify that it will successfully load a behavior session from the VBN 2.0 release cache.

morriscb commented 1 year ago

The VBNBehaviorSession does not quite work for the VBN behavior only data as there is no sync file and the VBNBehaviorSession is designed to read from this file to get some data products. However, the default BehaviorSession looks to be working. I've currently debugged some the issues I was encountering on #2558 and have already sent 94 NWB files to Corbett to check. Hopefully, all of this just worked and those files are good. If not, we'll have to start modifying with the VBNBehaviorSession or baseclass BehaviorSession.

morriscb commented 1 year ago

Looking good so far. Corbett reached out that the behavior only files that I sent him look good. Are there any scripts we have laying around that can be used to help speed up the verification process?