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run bamboo build agent and datacube deployment as appropriate user on devdatacube #86

Open chrisbarber opened 6 years ago

chrisbarber commented 6 years ago

Also, the bamboo agent should be run as a service so it comes back up on reboot, etc.

chrisbarber commented 6 years ago

The first part of this is done; bamboo agent is being run as mongrel.

Remaining things:

  1. ansible playbook should be refactored so that tasks requiring root privileges can be excluded via a tag, allowing automated deployments to skip root tasks. Currently I have mongrel ssh-agent loading root@devdatacube's ssh key as a workaround. This should be removed.
  2. Bamboo agent should be run automatically on startup as mentioned in the description.

Current steps to run bamboo agent after a restart, until above are resolved:

  1. ssh to devdatacube
  2. su to mongrel
  3. cd ~
  4. screen -S bamboo
  5. `eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
  6. ssh-add ~/root_keys/id_rsa
  7. java -jar atlassian-bamboo-agent-installer-5.14.1.jar
  8. detach from screen, logout