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Pipelines and modules for processing optical physiology data
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Apply offset values from Suite2P to raw movie #313

Closed wbwakeman closed 3 years ago

wbwakeman commented 3 years ago

Issue 268 determined that the smooth_sigma_time parameter has the potential to help a lot of experiments that may be very noisy, or have certain artifacts introduced by hardware problems. Values between 0 and 4 were shown to not introduce any additional problems that can be seen, but we would like to verify that there aren't any hidden problems introduced. The first step to do that will be to simply take the offset values that come out of suite2p motion correction and applying them manually to the raw movie. This will avoid the possibility of suite2p altering our data in any way other than exactly what we want.

Use Suite2P's shift_frame function:


Acceptance criteria:

Update: The above task list has been completed, however the projection images come out blurry and still with the vertical artifact lines. The following task list is intended for debugging this problem.

danielsf commented 3 years ago

As a proof of concept, I ran our wrapped Suite2P motion correction module (with smooth_sigma_time=4) on a cartoon movie with three bright ROIs of known fiducial position and motion. I then took the resulting suite2p_rigid_transformation.csv file and used np.roll to apply the prescribed translations in x and y directly to the raw movie. This video (which focuses on the period in the movie in which the cartoon ROIs actually move) shows the results.

The left panel is the raw movie; the central panel is the movie produced by Suite2P; the right panel is the result of applying the x,y translations by hand. The red dots mark the true, motion-corrected centers of the ROIs. If Suite2P were just applying a rigid motion correction, you would expect that, in all frames, the relationship between the gray squares and the red dots would be the same for all three ROIs in the central panel. If you scroll through the video by hand, you can find examples where this is not true, see, for example, the behavior between timestamp 0:02 and 0:03

As further indication that Suite2P is doing more than rigid motion correction, this plot zooms in on one ROI and three different timestamps. The left column shows the position of the ROI in the raw movie, the central column shows the position of the ROI in the Suite2P corrected movie, and the right column shows the position of the ROI in the by-hand corrected movie. The reported rigid motion displacements are reported in the title of the left hand column. Note that, naively interpreting the values of dx and dy in the second and third rows, you would expect the ROI to be displaced in only one dimension relative to the raw movie. The Suite2P ROIs are clearly displaced in both dimensions.


Finally, this figure shows the dx, dy values found by Suite2P relative to the true motion applied to the cartoon video


it does appear the Suite2P does a fairly good job of finding the correct displacements, so maybe the fact that Suite2P is doing something extra should not be too alarming.

The next step will be to try this by-hand correction on real data and see what the results look like.

danielsf commented 3 years ago

I have interpreted the scope of this ticket to be to explore the effects of Suite2P motion correction with smooth_sigma_time=4 to determine whether or not Suite2P does something beyond rigidly transform the frames of the raw movie (it does) and whether or not we can take the displacements reported by Suite2P and apply them to a movie by hand (we can). The visualizations below compare raw, un-motion-corrected movies to motion-corrected movies output by Suite2P with smooth_sigma_time=0 and smooth_sigma_time=4 to movies that are motion-corrected by applying Suite2P's reported rigid transformations by hand. The function to apply a rigid transformation to a movie by hand is:

def shift_by_hand(raw_data, dxdy_lookup):
   dxdy_lookup is a dict mapping frame index to a dict like
    {'dx': dx, 'dy': dy}
    new_data = np.zeros(raw_data.shape, dtype=raw_data.dtype)
    for iframe in range(new_data.shape[0]):
        if iframe not in dxdy_lookup:
            new_data[iframe, :, : ] = raw_data[iframe, :, :]
            dxdy = dxdy_lookup[iframe]
            dx = dxdy['dx']
            dy = dxdy['dy']
            new_frame = np.roll(raw_data[iframe, :, :],
                                (-dy, -dx),
            new_data[iframe, :, : ] = new_frame

    return new_data

The experiments visualized below (ophys_experiment_id is reported in the title of upper left hand plot) all failed motion correction with the default smooth_sigma_time=0. The plots are as follows

The columns of the plots are:

You will note that, by construction, the fourth row preserves all pixel flux values. It only applies rigid translations to the pixels' positions in the field of view.

danielsf commented 3 years ago

Note that np.roll operates by shifting pixels that fall off one edge onto the opposite edge. This is the same function that Suite2P uses in its rigid transform implementation here

In this experiment, the extremely large displacements mean that some bright regions are probably getting moved from the upper right corner of the raw max projection image to the lower central region of the motion-corrected max projection image.


danielsf commented 3 years ago


danielsf commented 3 years ago


danielsf commented 3 years ago

Note the abnormally large translation of features in the smooth_sigma_time=0 iteration of this experiment


danielsf commented 3 years ago

I believe the next step is to determine whether or not we want to accept whatever redistribution of flux Suite2P is doing on its own and, if not, alter our production module to apply the rigid transformation to the movie by hand using some variant of the method above.