AllenInstitute / visual_behavior_analysis

Python package for analyzing behavioral data for Brain Observatory: Visual Behavior
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Functions to get dff data for a given cell_roi_id #765

Closed dougollerenshaw closed 3 years ago

dougollerenshaw commented 3 years ago

Adds functions to get dff traces for a given cell_roi_id without having to open the OphysExperimentObject

Goes directly to LIMS to get well_known_files, then opens the OphysDffTraceFile for the associated experiment

Example use:

from visual_behavior.data_access import loading

cell_roi_id = 1080867088
dff = loading.get_dff_traces_for_roi(cell_roi_id)

I also had some problems with old tests that were using the scipy medfilt function. It seems that newer versions of scipy use median_filter instead, and the syntax has changed. Updating syntax broke a couple of tests on the old-format foraging files, but since these are no longer relevant, I simply removed the tests.