AllenInstitute / visual_behavior_analysis

Python package for analyzing behavioral data for Brain Observatory: Visual Behavior
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AttributeError: 'BehaviorSession' object has no attribute 'get_behavior_session_id' #771

Closed dougollerenshaw closed 3 years ago

dougollerenshaw commented 3 years ago

Issue documented here:

@aamster noted that this actually an error in the way that VBA is doing the subclassing. VBA PR on the way.

dougollerenshaw commented 3 years ago

It turns out that the following works already:

dataset = loading.get_behavior_dataset(745636848)
from visual_behavior.data_access import loading


from visual_behavior.data_access import loading
import allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.behavior_project_cache as bpc

cache = bpc.VisualBehaviorOphysProjectCache.from_lims()
sdk_session = cache.get_behavior_session(745636848)
dataset = loading.BehaviorDataset(sdk_session.api)

Given that, I'm going to close this issue without a PR.