AllenInstitute / visual_behavior_analysis

Python package for analyzing behavioral data for Brain Observatory: Visual Behavior
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add new condition labels to experiments table #775

Closed matchings closed 2 years ago

matchings commented 2 years ago

Functions to add new columns to the experiments table that can be used to select data for platform paper analysis, instead of using 'session_type'.

For example, the experiment_table returned from loading.get_filtered_ophys_experiment_table() will now contain an "experience_level" column that contains the strings ['Familiar', 'Novel 1', Novel >1']

There is also a 'passive' column with a Boolean for whether a session was passive or not.

There is also a function called add_cell_type which creates a column with values to use instead of cre_line for plots: ['Excitatory', 'Sst Inhibitory', 'Vip Inhibitory']