AllenInstitute / visual_behavior_analysis

Python package for analyzing behavioral data for Brain Observatory: Visual Behavior
21 stars 6 forks source link

Updated pinned allensdk version and adding python 3.8 tests. #776

Closed seanmcculloch closed 2 years ago

seanmcculloch commented 2 years ago

Note: Updating version to 0.13.1

Closes #773 Closes #774

seanmcculloch commented 2 years ago

scikit-learn pinned version changed to 0.24.2 . This was necessary as scikit-learn<0.22 is incompatible with python3.8.

allensdk pinned version changed to 2.11.3 . This is is the latest release.

dougollerenshaw commented 2 years ago

Thanks @seanmcculloch. Good catch on scikitlearn.

dougollerenshaw commented 2 years ago

Feel free to merge.